A VFTT Sendoff for Dawn


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Sep 8, 2003
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Warwick, NY ( 3 miles by crow from Wildcat Shelter
Is there any talk of us having a proper VFTT sendoff for Dawn? As some of you know Dawn "Hikethe115" is starting her trek soon northbound on the AT. I received an e-mail from her indicating this "Yes, I am still planning on going on the AT. I set foot on the trail on March 17th. I started a journal on
trailjournals.com. I don't have a trail name yet and
hope to get one on the trail rather than assign one to
myself. " Her journal is at: http://www.trailjournals.com/entry.cfm?trailname=5087. There must be a brew in the Hudson Valley that would make this event a must worth attending. I am on vacation in Florida March 1-7, so please don't schedule it then. Dawn: Your thoughts?
I've been out of the hiking loop for a few weeks, so I'd be up for a beer and a send-off. I might suggest the Hyde Park Pub and Brewery on Route 9. This is where Mid-Hudson ADK mixers are, and it's not too far from where Dawn lives and works.

Oh, and until a better trail name comes along, maybe she could go with "The Planner." :D

Count me in on whatever gets planned. I think Matt's idea is a good one. Maybe this would start a few other VFTTer's on the whole Views and Brews craze! I have the honor of enjoying another sendoff too... I'm joining Dawn for her first few days on the trail in Georgia, and tagging the Georgia and South Carolina's high points while I'm there:D. Then I'll try not to turn green with envy as I watch Dawn head out on this incredible adventure!
A brew pub is definitely the right idea, and I don't have Hyde Park yet. Can I count the walk in from the parking lot as my hike?

Dawn, any time left in your schedule for this?

Andrew (still cherishing being a Views and Brews 1er)
Thanks Aaron for posting this. I do have a send-off party planned for me at a place in Poughkeepsie on March 9th. That's a Friday night though, so I don't know how many of you would be around for it. I would love to have anyone of you join in the celebration though.

Matt, Hyde Park Brewery is certainly a logical place for a send-off for me since I am member number 1 there :D .

TMax does have that high point fever....when she realized how close I would be to the Georgia high point, it didn't take her long to decide to see me off.

AndrewS, right across the street is the FDR estate. If you go over there and walk at least a mile and come back to the pub it counts! It's very convenient.

Raymond...I love it! I guess I should change my id. I don't think that would make the moderators too happy though. Perhaps I would be better to wait and see what I end up with as a trail name.

Teejay, Gilded Otter and Skytop are nearby so you could always get one of those.

So, if anyone wants to work on some winter Catskills (Hunter, Slide for you 115 only don't need no stinkin' Catskill weenies). I don't want to travel far the weekend before I head out so I will be around for Catskill stuff and Saturday night out on the 3/10-11 weekend.

I will be in NH this weekend and next weekend and could do an evening out at the Moat Mtn House in North Conway on either 2/24 or 3/2.
As for the NE sendoff, Marchowes and I will be at the Moat Mtn. Pub in N. Conway Saturday evening after his second attempt at Vose. I hope people can come by and join us (especially Dawn). I haven't met you but I'd like to buy you a good luck pint nonetheless!
Friday 3/9 at 5:00 will be tough for me, unless you're really planning to make a night of it. I'll be leaving work around 5:30 at least 1 1/2 hours away from Poughkeepsie. But a Sat/Sun Catskill hike (and liquid follow up) sounds excellent. My winter list is getting short, but I wouldn't be picky about whatever the group (if we get a group) decides on. But notably I haven't climbed Overlook yet winter or summer, and I expect it's quieter this time of year.

Thank you to those who stopped in last week at the Moat. I'm actually here in North Conway now with a steady snow falling. We have gotten about 6 inches so far. With this weather I think I will not head to the Moat tonight and I would think not many others will either.

AndrewS....we will definitely be at Mahoney's for quite awhile since some people will likely have dinner there, but that is a long way to drive! I like your idea of Overlook on Saturday, but I can't say whether I will be able to just yet. I still have so much to do. I will have to make another trip to NH (moving everything up there) and thought I could do Overlook on Saturday on the way, but it will depend on what I get done during the week.

Looks like it will be trail breaking tomorrow....anyone doing Washington and/or Monroe tomorrow?
Hi Dawn, Sorry I missed NH! I wish you the best AT trip ever! Good luck, hope you have a lot of fun and a glorious adventure with mostly good weather :)

I'll try to hook with you later this summer if possible, look forward to reading your trail reports.