Aborted Presi traverse 6/22


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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
A few folks wanted to do a presi on the traditional weekend so we gave it a shot. I pulled on my trusty vintage VFTT shirt ( I think it was the Roadtripper version) and did a car spot to Crawford Notch the night before. We started at 4:30 AM from Appalachia. I was quite surprised at the lack of activity there given normally a presi weekend the lot would be quite busy. An AMC group supposedly had left at 4AM and we passed or were passed by a several couples out for a try. We started without headlamps and got occasional glimpses of a very red sunrise on the horizon. Arriving at Madison it was cloudy with a breeze. We dumped the packs and made the quick trip up to Madison and then got back to the hut just as breakfast as over and heard the official AMC forecast which was less than optimistic for the day (rain and thundershowers). Rather than head out the Gulfside we took the hike up Star Lake trail to Madison, I always prefer this route as it give good views into Madison Gulf and is out of the wind. It was cool when we reached the top of Adams. The run over to Edmonds was pleasant. We passed or were passed by several unorganized groups on the way. After a quick break at Edmonds it was on to the summit of Jefferson. I always use Jefferson as a decision point, if there is nasty weather to the west, I consider a bail back to RT2 but if there is nothing close by the west its worth continuing. At Sphinx col, I could see some weather forming over Franconia ridge, so we skipped Clay and headed to Washington. By the time we approached the West side trail Junct, there were definite showers to the west and the summit was rapidly clouding up. There were also traces of rain, so we elected to take West side trail to bypass the summit. After we got back on Crawford Path, we encountered numerous youth groups poorly or totally not equipped heading up to Washington, basically few if any had any packs, water or any gear other than what they had on. There didn't seem to be any adults accompanying them. We got to Lakes of the Clouds and despite it being fairly early in the afternoon they were just about out of snacks. I bought the last brownie and split it with one of other members of my party.

Despite having worn my VFTT shirt all day, it was only at the hut did Bob Kitridge (sorry for the spelling)and a few friends comment on the VFTT shirt. That is quite surprising and probably indicative of VFTTs members activities these days as in prior years it was rare to be out on the ridge and not encounter many VFTT folks.

We spent about 20 minutes at Lakes and the weather to the west was looking better (but not great) with sunny spots visible in the valleys but the summit was clouded in. I expect the Cog and the auto road sold more than a few downward rides. We headed up Monroe and then headed over to Franklin. As we hiked, the weather started getting threatening again and now all the summits that were previously visible were in the clouds and the sunny spots in the valley were gone. Just as we dropped down off the southern end of the Franklin Ridge towards Eisenhower the rain started up in earnest and with the temp and the wind, it wasn't real pleasant. We were out for fun and no one in the group needed any more summits so we elected to take Edmonds Path down to the Mt Clinton Road. I caught a ride about half way back to my car and drove back to pick up the rest of the group and headed back to Randolph.

Time wise we had been on schedule if not ahead and I expect had the weather held off a bit we would have finished at a reasonable hour. In general the lack of organized groups out was surprising but perhaps they heeded the forecast. Bugs weren't an issue but they did make an appearance at Edmonds parking lot.
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Sounds like a great trip, Peakbagger. Maybe the bulk of the traversers were out for Friday, which was a sterling day. I came across tons of hikers in groupings from one to 15 doing a variety of hikes on Friday - was passed by a few traversers on my way.

I had hoped to do Ike and Monroe together, but got a late start due to insomnia so had to settle for an Eisenhower lollipop hike via Edmands, the loop and Crawford. Views to 70 miles, so the closer views of the fellow Presidentials were the best. Ike might be my favorite yet, though it's hard to outdo Washington. Will post a separate trail report with pics later.
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Your shirt selection did not go unnoticed. I have been absent from the site for a few years and decided to get back on after seeing your shirt in Edmunds Col. I was resting there when your group walked in. I thought I recognized you from an encounter we had 5-6 years ago somewhere up there. Apologize for not saying hello. I was the tall guy changing my socks as I left my boot inserts at home (big mistake)....

Glad to hear you made it out...good choice. We were going the other way towards Madison Hut for the night on our annual solstice boys weekend doing the lazy, easy hut to hut peak bagging. We left before breakfast from Lakes given the forecast. Made it in plenty of time to relax outside before the rains came.

Catch you out there next time....