?? about Balsam in Winter


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Sep 2, 2004
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Ulster County, NY Avatar: Chapel Pond From Giant M
My question about Balsam (the Catskill high peak) specifically pertains to the Oliverea-Mapledale Trail. I'm thinking about taking the OM up from Rider Hollow Road, then the Pine Hill-West Branch Trail over the summit, then back down the Mine Hollow Trail to complete the loop.

I'm wondering about the stream crossings on this part of the OM. It looks from the map that the trail runs over, along and/or in the stream quite a bit. Anyone have experience with how the crossings are, how icy it gets, etc?
I'll definitely have crampons w/ me, and I'm thinking the lean-to might be the place to put them on, if necessary. Also, I'm wondering how the road to the trailhead gets after a snowstorm. My car is just a little four-door sedan, and sucks in snow.

It's been close to ten years since I've been on that trail, one of the Catskill experts should chime in where memory or time fails me:

The road should offer no problems, there is house at the end that's a Rangers if I recall correctly. I don't remember the crossing to be significant. I'll bet that the need for crampons will be minimal or not at all, as it is I've never needed crampons in the Catskills during winter proper.

That lean was a bit rundown, not one of my favorite places. The OM trail up to the Balsam-Eagle col is old carriage road like a steady moderate grade and runs along the creek. If there's a need for crampons it will likely be further up or when coming down the Mine Hollow trail.
I did a loop this summer from Lost Clove Rd up over Belleayre (not the true summit) to Balsam and then a loop down the OM to Rider Hollow then back up to the trail back towards Belleayre. Yeah, the trail does criss cross the stream but the stream is generally not that huge and usually not a real problem to cross. But that trail will get very steep when you get close to the col between Balsam and Eagle so in any case, I would bring crampons if it is icy. We're getting soaked here (today-Friday) so if you plan on this weekend, the stream might be running quite well.

Also, check the maps too, if you have to cross the stream twice, if it's bad, you could simply just bushwack on the same side of the stream, thus eliminating two crossings the forests there are very open, bushwacks are easy.

I like the trail from Rider Hollow than from McKinley hollow so I think you're doing it from the right side, it's prettier because of the stream and the way the light shines down through the trees. Got a great photo on that trail this past summer. When I did Balsam/Eagle in winter a couple years ago, I did it from McKinley and this past summer when I did it from Rider, it was like... Damm, I should of done it from this side before.

If I remember, the hike from the road to the lean to there is pretty flat. The trail crosses the stream immediated after the trailhead but there is a really neat bridge on that one.

If it's really wet or any snow, you might even need the crampons at the part close to the col. I came down it and I remember it being very steep for about 500' or so.

P.S. Got you email, but thought I'd reply here for the group.

I did the loop you intend to do a couple of years ago. Don't remember any problems with the road or stream crossings. We use snowshoes the whole trip. I will warn about the porcupines especially if you hike with a dog. My dog got a chin full during this hike!
I did this last year and the stream crossings weren't bad. I hiked at the end of January and the small water crossings were filled in with snow and not a problem the larger crossings all had good bridges.
I prefer this trail in the winter which is how I did it first. It was more open and had some views. The summer it tends to get overgrown and lots of nettles ouch.
I did not use snowshoes or crampons as the trail was well packed I only post holed at the summit where I had to go around blowdown. The road was not a problem for my two wheel drive Impala. It was a nice hike in the winter only saw one couple when I was on my way down I hiked in a clockwise fashion but don't think it matters.
Good luck it is the least difficult in comparison to the other required winter hikes.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Sorry to hear about your canine, Rik.
Yeah Jay, I've already gone up from Mckinley Hollow, so I want to check out the other side of the OM Trail.

Peakbagger, your plan sounds appealing. Do you have a specific date in mind?
My catch is this-I'm only free on weekends, plus the two holiday eves.
I'll be in Albany for X-Mas and possibly the day after. Lastly, I have to be in Fleischmanns by about 5 on both X-mas and New Years Eve. I want to hike both days, but time is a bit of an issue.
So far I have one friend up for a New Years Eve hike, so that looks like a definite. I would probably be up for something that weekend as well.

So to sum up, I can hike on 12/24 and 12/31 until about 4PM. I can hike 1/1 and 1/2 until whenever, and possibly 12/26 if I come right back after seeing the family for X-mas. If you guys do that Balsam/Eagle trip on one of these days, I might be up for it, even if I don't have time for Haynes and Eagle. I would just bail out earlier.
