Accident in the Presidentials

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The Concord Monitor article gives more personal details about the men, 2 being from Concord

The hard-copy paper has a map showing the accident site as next to Spaulding Lake, but I suspect the graphic artist didn't verify this personally :)

And strangely for a liberal paper, they (once) identify the location as Mount Reagan, perhaps its first printed use as a geographic location.
I don't understand this story. I don't know where pipeline gulley is, so maybe that is my problem. They were skiing above Spaulding Lake. Does that mean that they were skiing INTO the Great Gulf??? If so, what were they going to do once they arrived at the lake, ski/hike all the way out of the Gulf or reclimb Mt Clay or Washington??
They usually climb back up to Clay/Reagan, then at the end of the day they go back down the Jewell Trail to their cars.
I've watched 'em from the summit of Clay, and it looks even more difficult than Tuckerman's.
What a tragedy.
I know Colin. He is a very experienced skier and has skied on and around the rock pile many times. While I don't know the other two, from the Monitor article, it sounds like they were also very experienced.

I'd like to think this was an actual accident as opposed to the result of poor judgment and inexperience that we often hear of.

My condolences go to Rob's family...

I've known Rob Douglas for at least 15+ years through our bike shop in Putney, Vt. and through mountain bike racing. We had many great races together in the 80's and '90s.

I skied with Rob at a X-C ski demo at Mountain Meadows last month. He was a nice guy.

I have to add that as we ate lunch together that day, he looked around to make sure no one was watching, and asked if we would mind if he ate some sardines. We said no, so he opened a can and wolfed them down and drank the juice. That was his lunch. We thought it was pretty funny.

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