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We got a late start and decided to hit Adams as it took about an hour from the firewardens cabin. The view there is great. We proceeded to follow the trail towards Allen. The bridge over the Opalescent is gone so we had to cross the river the old fashioned way. The water is warm in late July and the river level was fairly low, so there were no issues other than the inconvenience of removing ones boots. The lean-to at the start of the herd path is gone for many years, so one must now continue to Skylight brook to find a legal spot. The herd path is very well marked. There are no super steep parts all the way to the summit, and the herd path is now in better shape than many marked ADK trails. The top 100' were socked in so we didn't get any summit views, but there were a few good views just below the summit. It was a great hike, and we saw a bear on the way out!

Moderator's note: The tower is currently under construction and the stairs are being replaced. The roof is also going to be repaired and railings redone. Pls obey the sign that says stay off the tower. Its there for a reason.
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