The mighty tough little dog found it mighty easy going on the trails to Adams and Madison today. A packed if unconsolidated Valley Way was barebooted/cramponed by two groups of overnight campers who wanted to do traverses, and snowshoed by two others late in the day. I went up in microspikes and down in snowshoes. From the hut to Madison some drifts and a bit of ice but mostly crusty snow. Over to Adams some drifts but mostly crusty snow. Traction up there was needed but snowshoes, crampons or microspikes (with care coming down Madison) were fine. No need to try to follow the trails above treeline precisely; it was pretty much all the same. On Valley Way a crawl over blowdown which wasn't a problem, one smallish blowdown (now removed) and a couple of open drainages that I carried the little mutt across were the only obstacles. A fairly strong wind when I was on Madison but likely not that way all the time, and only a modest wind on Adams. Great views of course. What a great way to take a day away from the work computers.