New member
Date of Hike: 03/05/2009
Trail Conditions: RMC page describes it pretty well. It is barebootable until about a 1/4 mile below the Log Cabin at the Entering Wilderness Protection Area sign. Then it gets steeper and icier and crampons are helpful.
Special Equipment Required: Crampons helpful, but spikes may do. Looks like some barebooted all the way to the Quay. Snowshoes stayed on backpack.
Comments: I decided to take a side trip to Crag Camp by Spur Trail on the return, but cairns disappeared after a while in open area. Path was not obvious so I cut back over to Lowes. It may be easier to follow uphill out of the scrub rather than into it. So if you see my tracks don't expect them to go to Crag Camp.
Your name: AndyF
Your E-mail address: andyf0722 [at] comcast [dot] net
Trail Conditions: RMC page describes it pretty well. It is barebootable until about a 1/4 mile below the Log Cabin at the Entering Wilderness Protection Area sign. Then it gets steeper and icier and crampons are helpful.
Special Equipment Required: Crampons helpful, but spikes may do. Looks like some barebooted all the way to the Quay. Snowshoes stayed on backpack.
Comments: I decided to take a side trip to Crag Camp by Spur Trail on the return, but cairns disappeared after a while in open area. Path was not obvious so I cut back over to Lowes. It may be easier to follow uphill out of the scrub rather than into it. So if you see my tracks don't expect them to go to Crag Camp.
Your name: AndyF
Your E-mail address: andyf0722 [at] comcast [dot] net