Adirondack Temps

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Sep 15, 2003
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Harbor Hill Moraine
Am I reading this correctly...Long Lake tonight...-36F?!?
Looks as if many of the high peaks areas are getting some really cold temperatures tonight. cA on its way!

As low as 1 here on Long Island.
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Yep, that's correct. I don't think it got above 0 today in Saranac Lake.
If I read this correctly from wunderground, the record low for Saranac Lake was back in 1976 at minus 30. Tonight's the night! New record to be set maybe.

And from this website...
Two other features make Saranac Lake stand out from any number of northern inland mountainous locations. The first is meteorological. The town lies in a high-elevation valley. Thus cold air, which is more dense, flows down the surrounding mountain slopes and accumulates over Saranac Lake. The second is serendipitous. There happens to be an airport weather station that reports daily temperatures at Saranac Lake. Relatively few airports are located in this type of topography.
If I read this correctly from wunderground, the record low for Saranac Lake was back in 1976 at minus 30. Tonight's the night! New record to be set maybe.

And from this website...

I think that's the record low for Saranac Lake on this date. Not the coldest it's ever been.

Edit: The record low for Saranac Lake, ever, appears to be -40.
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Well, just to add more fuel to the long extinguished fire ... according to wiki, the record low for Saranac Lake is -35. I think that's BS though; I lived in Lake Clear for a few years in the 90s followed by 1 1/2 years in Wilmington and -25 to -30 was a semi-regular occurence. One of the guys I worked with used to crow about Saranac Lake being the coldest spot in the US fairly often in the daily weather reports.
Well, just to add more fuel to the long extinguished fire ... according to wiki, the record low for Saranac Lake is -35. I think that's BS though; I lived in Lake Clear for a few years in the 90s followed by 1 1/2 years in Wilmington and -25 to -30 was a semi-regular occurence. One of the guys I worked with used to crow about Saranac Lake being the coldest spot in the US fairly often in the daily weather reports.

I was shocked to see that too. Then I found this page.

It has Old Forge at -52 once. Yet under the most days with the coldest temp in the contiguous US it has Saranac lake as #6 with 128. (recorded between '95-'05').

Berlin, NH is on there with 98 days.
Well, for those of you who live in Saranac Lake, listen to the local weatherman in the morning and see if he blurts out a record low temperature during his report.
I see it as -34 reported at 4:51am. Should get colder, especially when the cold comes down into the valley around sunrise.
Barton VT was reported at minus 46 this morning on WCAX. I dont think it was from a national weather service site so the thermometer calibration would need to be checked. It is a good area for record lows as its in the bottom of a valley on the north side of Sheffield Heigths (where the big new wind project is going in), therefore they have valley drainage effects of cold air running downslope and getting trapped in a valley bottom.

Kind of "balmy" on my thermometer in Gorham, only -18F. The one good thing about real cold sunny days with snow on the ground is that my solar panels crank out the watts, even though they are old with some deterioration I usually record well above the rated output around noon. Hate to say the same doesnt apply to solar hot water panels so I will be heating my domestic hot water with wood until it warms up a bit.