Adirondack Trail names

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Mar 29, 2004
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Hudson Valley Avitar: North Dome
Is there on online resource that lists the trail names in the High Peaks area? I have the ADK map and guide. The map just shows numbers for diffrent routes. The guide book does not alway have the trail names and I do not always have the guide book handy. I am looking for something like this.
The Numbers are meangingless. Different mapmakers use whatever scheme they want. Tony G. started to number them in the previous edition of his guide, but the numbers are just to relate to sections in his book. I suspect (and hope) he is consistant across editions.

For the most part, trails in the Adirondacs are not named. There seems to me to be a difference between philosophies in the whites and Adirondacks. One notices it on the signs. In the whites, they often tell dirctions to other trails, while in the adirondacks, they are to destinations.

Many trails are named by some feature along the way. On Giant the Roaring Brook trail follows Roaring Brook, the North trail comes from the north-ish, and the Ridge trail follows a ridge.... although the ridge trail has recently been named... the name slips now, even though I was on it a few days ago.

Some trails have multiple names. The Iroquois pass trail, the Marshall pass trail, the cold brook pass trail. Since there aren't official names, people call them what they want.

They do have colors, though.

Just remember, except in a few cases, the naming of a trail is the name chosen by the guide book author. And remember that numbering is even worse. To say that you've hiked trail 34 doesn't say much.
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As Pete said, most Adirondack trails don't have names. But almost all the ones that do are mentioned in the ADK Guidebook. Most trails are referred to by where they go, as in "Roaring Brook Falls trail" or "Round Pond / Dix trail." I know some of the names for the ones where the names are not clearly associated with the destinations.

The ones I can remember right now:

Zander Scott = Giant Ridge
Stimson = Noonmark
Felix W. Adler = the other side of Noonmark
Henry Goddard Leach = Bear Den, Dial, Nippletop
S. Burns Weston = Round Mtn.
van Hoevenberg = Marcy from Loj
Phelps = Marcy from Garden
Hopkins = alternate route for part of Phelps

TCD said:
The ones I can remember right now:

Zander Scott = Giant Ridge
Stimson = Noonmark
Felix W. Adler = the other side of Noonmark
Henry Goddard Leach = Bear Den, Dial, Nippletop
S. Burns Weston = Round Mtn.
van Hoevenberg = Marcy from Loj
Phelps = Marcy from Garden
Hopkins = alternate route for part of Phelps

Yes, and these are trails that DO have names, as opposed to trails that are called something. What was it that Humpty Dumpty said about a name.. Or some character in 'Alice..."

Note the distinction between the Phelps trail and the trail to Phelps.
Pete_Hickey said:
Some trails have multiple names. The Iroquois pass trail, the Marshall pass trail, the cold brook pass trail. Since there aren't official names, people call them what they want.....

Thanks for that tidbit. I was reading a TR about the Cold Brook Pass Trail recently and found myself scratching my head trying to figure out what it was. I then just assumed they meant the Iroquois Pass Trail after I looked on map.
I also remember when I first started hiking in the 'daks, trying to figure out why the VH didn't actually go to Van Hoevenburg.
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