ADK 46 Patch

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
How do you get registered for the 46er list. I have done 29 so far and plan on 9 more this summer. I plan on finishing on my 50th birthday next year. I never registered any of my peaks becouse I said to myself I do not need the reconition. Now after putting all of the hard work I kind of would like that patch. How do I go about getting my previous 29 peaks registered? :eek:
You need to write to the 46R's and tell them you are hiking the 46. They will assign a correspondent which you then report your climbs with. When finished you can then order a patch from the 46r's you don't have to wait for the spring meeting when numbers are asigned. You just need your acceptance letter to verify your corrsepondent has recorded your finish. The info you need can be found on the 46r website.

Try not to do what I did..

wait until you're done all the peaks to start writing. It can become a monumental task. :( And, I think that it is "frowned upon". ;)

As for me- I waited until I had done them all summer and winter (and threw in MacNaughton to boot) before I really started to correspond. As I am a slow writer, this task of writing up all my adventures took more time to do then the actual hiking. I dreaded it, at first, but then I ended really enjoying reliving all the great trips. I only wished that I had done it sooner as the details began to fade.

I waited until nine months after climbing my 44th before mailing my first letter, mailing it on a Monday when I would go on to climb my 45th on Tuesday and 46th on Friday.

Lucky for me, my correspondent praised me for having done a thorough job, although I didn’t describe every single hike in detail. (That original document had reached 20 or 30 pages, I think, before I finally abandoned it and simplified it. Plus I was only about halfway through the list.)

My advice is not to get carried away, but be sincere. After all, it’s going to end up stored in Albany.