ADK bushwhack 10-27.

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Let me know if you're interested in an ADK bushwhack next thursday, maybe but not necessarliy to an ADK 100 highest peak.
Thursday's suck ;)

But on the day before (10/26), a few of us getting together for a random stroll up Sawteeth #5 :cool:

If there was every a time to blow off your professional responsibilities and come along on a hike, this is it. It'll give you a chance to learn from the finest. :D

{No, I don't mean me.............}
Some possibles: Wallface, Henderson, the easiest Sawtooth or Kilburn.
It's starting to look like this Thursday is out for me to be replaced by a full weekend. I was thinking of going in to one of the LT's on Friday night (10-28) and trying for Sawtooth 4 and maybe 2 (5 miles of bushwhacking) on Saturday and ST5 on Sunday. Let me know if you're interested.