ADK: Sand Lake from Star Lake?

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Sep 3, 2003
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usually somewhere in Harriman...
Has anybody done the trip to Sand Lake from Star Lake recently? Planning on it a couple of weeks from now, wondering what the condition of the trail was. We hiked from Wanakena to Big Shallow (beautiful! but I hear Sand Lake is even better) a few years ago and the trail was in good shape but the woods were horrible blowdown, ending any thoughts we had of a bushwhack.

We had also toyed with the idea of a bushwhack from the trail (forget the name, don't have the book or trail map handy) that runs along the middle branch oswegatchie, about 3½ miles... but I'm guessing the blowdown probably makes that impossible. (?)


Congress shall make no law....What part of NO didn't you understand?
Can't say what condition the trail is in now but I can say that Sand Lake is one of the best. Nice lean-to, lots of solitude. The L-T setting is very park like, open woods with very tall trees and Far enough from the water to be legal but close enough for a great view.