ADK100 Blue Ridges

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Jan 30, 2006
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Hi !

Just looking at the ADK100 list and there are 4 Blue Ridge Peaks…Even using the peakfinder I'm a little confused as of where they are located. I checked using the 770 list (772 peaks version) and I found the following :

ADK# / ADK NAME / 770 NAME / 770# / COORDS
#56 / BLUE RIDGE / BLUE RIDGE / #514 / 43°37’46” x 74°28’56”
#90 / BLUE RIDGE / BLUE RIDGE (E PK) / #594 / 43°47’41” x 74°27’20”
#97 / BLUE RIDGE MT./ BLUE RIDGE MTN / #597 / 43°55’31” x 73°48’51”
#99 / BLUE RIDGE / ??? / #??? / ???

It seems I cannot find ADK100 peak #99 (which I believe is located right next to #90) in the 770 list…
Can someone confirm this ?! Are the 3 others ok ?

99 is located right near 90 and the 2 are usually done together.
I don't use the 770 list for anything inside NYS so can't help you there.
97 is the one behind Hoffman, which is a great climb by itself.
56 is the one with the plane wreck and gets the most traffic.

(I just browsed the 770 list ... good luck deciphering what's what on it!)

Also, try the adk100 website. Brian, Spence, and Alan did a great job on it.
4 Blue Ridges and

They are:

Blue Ridge (elev 3,860') located on the Indian Lake W USGS quad.
Blue Ridge (elev 3,497') located on the Blue Mt SW quad.
Blue Ridge (elev 3,440') located on the Schroon Lake NE quad.
Blue Ridge (elev 3,436') located on the Racquette Lk SE quad.

If you want, send me your email address by PM. I can provide you better information than above and discuss some route ideas others have utilized to climb these.

If you're serious about completing the ADK100, I began a list of completers and those working on the list and assembling an archive of the climbing history of these mountains.
You should also know that as of this time, there is NO legal way to climb Dun Brook. Feel free to substitute Wilmington and Bullhead Mtn(numbers 101 and 102, and some think are actually higher than the actual #99 and #100 on the list at the back of the ADK High Peak guide.

Sean, thanks for the plug: I wrote the above before seeing your post.
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Thanks for your fast reply guys. I actually know where #99 is but I wanted to confirm that it isn't on the 770 list because if I look at the 770 list coordinates, it just doesn't give anything close the ADK#99 summit (it shows #90 though) !

Can anyone confirm this ?

I have New England figured out yet but have trouble to do so for Blue Ridges & Sawtooth.

I don't have any plans of completing the list right now, even though I did a couple of the lower 54 yet.

Thanks again.
There are lots of Blue Ridges on the 770 list!

On my list I believe it is:

Blue Ridge (W PK) 3428 1045ADK Racquette Lake

Can anyone confirm? Dennis, John S.?
Rik said:
Blue Ridge (W PK) 3428 1045ADK Racquette Lake
Hmmm, that would be peak #614 and if you look at the coords, that leads us here while the actual summit is (I think) here.

Help !!! :eek:
I think the second link is the peak I'm referring to as well. Quad is Raquette Lake and height is 1045m. My 770 list is not numbered nor does it have coordinates so we are obviously using different lists.

On the bottom of my list are some eliminated peaks. I think the one you showed in the first link is among them. I think it is Unnamed: Scotch Lake (no col)
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This is the exact data I have :

161 3428* 1045 ___|___|___ BLUE RIDGE (W PK) K 43°27’41” x 74°34’08” LAKE PLEASANT HAMILTON NYA RAQUETTE LAKE

It *could* be a coords mistake then and this is what I'm trying to find out :confused:
Motabobo said:
This is the exact data I have :

161 3428* 1045 ___|___|___ BLUE RIDGE (W PK) K 43°27’41” x 74°34’08” LAKE PLEASANT HAMILTON NYA RAQUETTE LAKE

It *could* be a coords mistake then and this is what I'm trying to find out :confused:

Those coords don't match that peak (#99). See my edit of my above post. I don't have the whole map in front of me to see what higher peak eliminated the peak with those coords.

Just looked at a map. The peak that eliminates the peak with those coords I believe is called Unnamed:White Birch Lake 945m on my list.
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BlackSpruce said:
NY state number 99 (43 47 15 N / 74 30 15 W) stands above Browns Brook valley (near the Cedar River Flow) and about .75-mile up and North-West of beautiful Dishrag Pond.

Thanks Christine. That's what he needs is the correct coords.

Now to nitpick. It is ADK HH #99. It would be a lower # if you included the whole state. The Catskill have about 40 peaks higher than that one. It would even have a lower # in the ADKs if using the 770 list criteria. :D
Thanks !

I already know what are the correct coords, I need to know if #99 is in the 770 list or not (if so that would involve a coord error of some sort.)

Oups didn't see your edit Rik, will look into it.
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Rik, you definitely helped me !
Both Scotch Lake & Blue Ridge (W Pk) have the same coords in the original 770 doc file (770's list NY #298 and #161 respectively). Soooo, I suspect Blue Ridge (W Pk) has the wrong coords and should be more something like 43°47'24' x 74°30'25'., therefore beeing ADK HH #99. Ewwww.

161 3428* 1045 ___|___|___ BLUE RIDGE (W PK) 43°27’41” x 74°34’08” LAKE PLEASANT HAMILTON NYA RAQUETTE LAKE
298 3035* 925 ___|___|___ [UNNAMED PK: SCOTCH LAKE] 43°27’41” x 74°34’08” ARIETTA HAMILTON NYA PISECO LAKE

Anyone has the definitive answer on this ???

Thanks again.
Would it be helpful to know the peaks from my list that bracket #99?

Looks like we cross posted. I would love to see the list you are working from for sake of comparison. If you are able to email it let me know and I will PM my email address.
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Motabobo said:
Hi !

Just looking at the ADK100 list and there are 4 Blue Ridge Peaks…Even using the peakfinder I'm a little confused as of where they are located. I checked using the 770 list (772 peaks version) and I found the following :

ADK# / ADK NAME / 770 NAME / 770# / COORDS
#56 / BLUE RIDGE / BLUE RIDGE / #514 / 43°37’46” x 74°28’56”
#90 / BLUE RIDGE / BLUE RIDGE (E PK) / #594 / 43°47’41” x 74°27’20”
#97 / BLUE RIDGE MT./ BLUE RIDGE MTN / #597 / 43°55’31” x 73°48’51”
#99 / BLUE RIDGE / ??? / #??? / ???

It seems I cannot find ADK100 peak #99 (which I believe is located right next to #90) in the 770 list…
Can someone confirm this ?! Are the 3 others ok ?

No. Blue Ridge (W peak) is a separate peak.

You're missing a peak in there and I think that is SOME of the confusion. There are 4 Blue Ridges in the top ADK100, but there is a 5th Blue Ridge that is not on the ADK numbered list but on the 770 despite being high enough to rank in the 100 (the more strict distance/rise rule DQs it from the ADK list).

Some have different local monikers to, depending on who you ask :rolleyes:

Your #99 - is commonly known as "Blue Ridge (NW of Dishrag Pond)" and it is indeed #99 on "most" ADK100 lists. As has been stated in earlier in the thread.

The "Blue Ridge (W peak)" you are referring to is an altogether other peak that is NOT on the ADK100 list (does not meet the distance/rise) but is in fact on the 770 list. That peak is located .73 miles (almost) due .73 miles west of #90 Blue Ridge (N of Hoffman).

There are many names and monikers that I've seen. For instance, I've seen some use Unnamed (E Hornet Notch) or just plain E Hornet Notch for Blue Ridge (W Peak), so it depends on who you ask.

Hope this makes it easier for you:

Blue Ridge (W Peak) - 3451' (1052M) is just under NH's Mt. Kineo- -Mapped-

Blue Ridge (NW Dishrag Pond) - 3428' (1045M) is just above VT's Danby Pk. -Mapped-

P.S. - To add the confusion :cool: , If your confused because it appears BR (W peak) should qualify, being .75 miles (300+ rise) from BR (Hoffman). Think again. BR (Hoffman)'s summit is mismarked. T. Goodwin (who refined the list) told me that he considers the western bump (not the one with the BM) to be the true summit. It's only .73 miles away, so he DQ'd it from ADK100 consideration and it's not on that list :(

Hope that helps.
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mavs00 said:
No. Blue Ridge (W peak) is a separate peak.

You're missing a peak in there and I think that is SOME of the confusion. There are 4 Blue Ridges in the top ADK100, but there is a 5th Blue Ridge that is not on the ADK numbered list but on the 770 despite being high enough to rank in the 100 (the more strict distance/rise rule DQs it from the ADK list).

Some have different local monikers to, depending on who you ask :rolleyes:

Your #99 - is commonly known as "Blue Ridge (NW of Dishrag Pond)" and it is indeed #99 on "most" ADK100 lists. As has been stated in earlier in the thread.

The "Blue Ridge (W peak)" you are referring to is an altogether other peak that is NOT on the ADK100 list (does not meet the distance/rise) but is in fact on the 770 list. That peak is located .73 miles (almost) due .73 miles west of #90 Blue Ridge (N of Hoffman).

There are many names and monikers that I've seen. For instance, I've seen some use Unnamed (E Hornet Notch) or just plain E Hornet Notch for Blue Ridge (W Peak), so it depends on who you ask.

Hope this makes it easier for you:

Blue Ridge (W Peak) - 3451' (1052M) is just under NH's Mt. Kineo- -Mapped-

Blue Ridge (NW Dishrag Pond) - 3428' (1045M) is just above VT's Danby Pk. -Mapped-

P.S. - To add the confusion :cool: , If your confused because it appears BR (W peak) should qualify, being .75 miles (300+ rise) from BR (Hoffman). Think again. BR (Hoffman)'s summit is mismarked. T. Goodwin (who refined the list) told me that he considers the western bump (not the one with the BM) to be the true summit. It's only .73 miles away, so he DQ'd it from ADK100 consideration and it's not on that list :(

Hope that helps.

Actually, his 770 list has two Blue Ridge (w Pk)'s on it. #151 on his list is the one you describe and is on the Blue Ridge Quad. #161 on his list refers to the #99 on the ADK100 list. It is on the Raquette Lake Quad.
Hmmmmm, must be multiple lists out there.


Rik updated me to the list you were using.

My post should still accurate as to the ADK BR's. The one near Hoffman that you see listed as #151 is known as BR (W. Peak) and in not counted amoung the ADK100

The peak near Dishrag Pond, and listed as #161 on that list is known locally and on the ADK100 lists as BR (NW Dishrag Pond) and is #99 on most ADK100 lists

Hopefully that clarifies it, my apologies if I added to the confusion. :eek:
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Ahhh ! I think that does it !

Many thanks to everyone involved. To summarize;

For people using my version of the list with coordinates (which one is it by the way, what are the other versions ???), you need to change coordinates of NY peak #161 to 43°47’14” x 74°30’13”.

Blue Ridge's peaks in the 770 list AND in the ADK100 (using 770's names) with ADK# and 770# respectively;
The other Blue Ridge's peaks in the 770 list but NOT in the ADK100 (using 770's names) with 770#;
Anyone can confirm this so I can update my list once and for all ?

Thanks again.