Advise on creating your own list...?

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Feb 28, 2005
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Montreal, Qc, Canada Avatar: Top of Gothics, Adk
Hi All,
Now that I'm in Qc City (and far away from my adk's), I've been toying with the idea of creating a list of summits in the Charlevoix region, which would hopefully force me to go out and visit more than the couple (10-15) of popular ones already known.

I'm having problems though figuring out how to select which summits make it onto the list. I went through a "quick" (2hr) pass in Garmin MapSource to see how many summits are higher than 1000m. Although I haven't applied a rule similar to the adk's 46'ers where a given summit has to be X meters higher than a col or whatever, I have compiled a list of 163 summits so far, some of which are on the same mountain as others. I'm thinking at first glance that I probably have something like 100-120 summits in total. Which seems to be a very long list...

Another problem is that I'm not quite sure all of these summits are easily accessible. Unfortunately, the road/trail network isn't as good as the adk's, however I'm sure there are logging roads and ATV trails that one could take to get to within a decent (hikeable) distance to a given mountain).

Neat idea... I've only personally climbed Mont du lac des Cygnes which I think is perhaps one of the highest in the region.
Good luck on your quest!
prino said:
Neat idea... I've only personally climbed Mont du lac des Cygnes which I think is perhaps one of the highest in the region.
Good luck on your quest!

I was actually at that same mountain, on an amazing clear day (Sunday, see pics: and I saw all the amazing mountains close by...that's what fortified my idea to create a list: So many other (amazing) mountains are just waiting to be conquered!

I figured there's the NE110 (or is it 118?), the 46'ers, 14'ers...I heard about the Munros while looking at Scotland's mountains...I figured we need a list here in Qc as well :D


EDIT: Oh, and sadly, the Mt du Lac des Cygnes doesn't even make the 1000m cut, it measures in at 980m I believe.
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Since the list does not yet exist, you get to make the rules. Right now, there are no rules. Look at the map. Make a list of peaks you WANT to climb. Maybe add some that you think you MIGHT AS WELL climb. Then add one or two that you don't want to climb, but you have to just to make things harder.

Now, look at this list you've come up with, and find a set of rules for it.
Pete_Hickey said:
Since the list does not yet exist, you get to make the rules. Right now, there are no rules. Look at the map. Make a list of peaks you WANT to climb. Maybe add some that you think you MIGHT AS WELL climb. Then add one or two that you don't want to climb, but you have to just to make things harder.

Now, look at this list you've come up with, and find a set of rules for it.
Pete: you must have written specifications before... :)

hikingfish said:
Another problem I just thought of is that not all summits of 1000m+ are actually named on the maps I have.
All the Adk46 or AMC 48 weren't named when the lists were made, some still lack official names

You can make a list of Fish's Selected Destinations and then put on anything you like, nobody can object to your list but unless you become famous nobody else may bother with it

You can make some objective rules such as 1000m el/ 100m col and let the peaks come what may, undoubtedly this will leave off many fine choices and include some miserable ones

And hopefully you can get somebody to review it before final publication, there are enough bogus inconsistent lists floating around already