Ahoy, Mateys!


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Jul 30, 2004
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Graniteville, Baby!
On Sept 19, me captain has given me shore leave. To avoid those scurvy press gangs, I be seeking some inland adventure.

Black Mountain, north and west of the Big Moose, be a most likely spot to find a treasure. The summit be bald and ledgy, so I can keep watch of approaching bandits.

Sept 19 approaches fast, me heartys! Any of you able bodied sea dogs up fer a walk with old Red Beard? Aarrrr!!
Actually, Black Mt. IS?/was a popular "treasure" hunting spot amongst locals in the know, many who used to search for precious stones there (not sure why it has them over other destinations), mostly - Zircons - from what i recall. Whoops, I've said too much already... ;)
Barbarossa said:
On Sept 19, me captain has given me shore leave. To avoid those scurvy press gangs, I be seeking some inland adventure.

Black Mountain, north and west of the Big Moose, be a most likely spot to find a treasure. The summit be bald and ledgy, so I can keep watch of approaching bandits.

Sept 19 approaches fast, me heartys! Any of you able bodied sea dogs up fer a walk with old Red Beard? Aarrrr!!
Dammit! Interesting hikes always on a Monday :( :mad:

I'll talk like a pirate some other time (don't I usually talk like a pirate to you, Eric?) but not that Monday.

It looks like a little bitty trail to the top of Black Mountain. Are you planning on doing anything else besides that one? Is there a Fire Tower on top?

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
Dammit! Interesting hikes always on a Monday :( :mad:

I'll talk like a pirate some other time (don't I usually talk like a pirate to you, Eric?) but not that Monday.

It looks like a little bitty trail to the top of Black Mountain. Are you planning on doing anything else besides that one? Is there a Fire Tower on top?

-Dr. Wu

Depending on how stalwart the crew be, thar is Little Black Mountain nearby, which be trailless. Black be a fine hillock, wide open on top, and an excellent lookout of Ye Olde Hogsback.

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Are you aware of the Flying Spagetti Monster (FSM) theory that the decrese in pirates since 1800 is directly proportional to the increase in Natural disasters and global warming? I'm not making this up, it is posted on the web, so it must be true. They even have it on a coffee cup. So, keep up the good work, and maybe you can save the world. Ahoy matey.