Albany Notch Trial - Albany Mountain

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Date of Hike: October 12, 2009

Trial Condition: Impassable due to Beaver Activity

Comments: We planned to hike up Albany Mountain via Albany Notch TR to Albany Mountain TR. At the trailhead, an official notice stated that the link (allowing a loop) between the two trails was impassable; a hiker had left a handwritten note stating, "Albany Notch TR impassable." He was correct. After 0.3 miles, we encountered the most extensive network of beaver-created wetlands I've ever seen. We tried for 10 minutes to bushwack around it, but ultimately gave up. This hike appears defunct for the time being.

We ended up driving to Evans Notch to hike Big Deer & Little Deer Hills - a good choice. Despite jammed parking lots and hundreds of hikers, we had a solitary 45 minutes on the gorgeous outlook atop Little Deer Hill.