Algonquin and Iroquois from ADK Loj - 5/16

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Date of Hike: 5/16/09

Trail Conditions: Still some ice spines left above 4,000'. This is just past the turn-off for the trail up to Wright. There are still a few places where it is possible to post hole in 3' of snow, but not many. Be careful, the ice is dirty and can look like the rocks, especially if you wear glasses and don't have them on. In some places you can step around the snow and ice, but in some places you need to hike on the hard-pack snow; this is where you might post-hole if not careful.

As is typical, the trail between Algonquin and Boundary Peak is muddy in places and you'll encounter more mud between Boundary and Iroquois, including more snow and ice. In both cols it's possibel to go up to your calves with mud.

Special Equipment Required: Please enter, in the below format, specific equipment required for the hike and the degree to which it is required. For example: Snowshoes - useful, Crampons - essential

Comments: Optional - Gaiters would be most useful, but make sure they're tight around the boot or they won't do much to keep out the mud. Snowshoes or crampons are not necessary and would only be a nuisance to put on and take off all the time, since the snow and ice areas are not continuous, but scattered along the trail.

Your name: Dave

Your E-mail address: [email protected]