Algonquin via Non-standard route?

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Jan 19, 2005
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Clarksville, MD Avatar: Babo, SE Arete, Summit
Has anyone done Algonquin via a non-standard route, i.e. bushwhack, streams, etc?

I wasnt able to really dig anything up. Most of the discussion are on the standard route up.

I am particularly interested in the Northeast and Southeastern Slopes. I know there are some slides on these and the south sides.

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Algonquin lines

Funny, I had a similiar query last winter about this time of year-particulary regarding interesting ski/boarding decents but couldn't drum up any beta :(
Method 1. Take a map, study it, and pick a route that looks interesting.
Method 2: Climb Colden. Look at Algonquin. See if you can pick out something that interests you.
Method 3: Climb Street. Do same.

IMO, a bushwhack is more interesting if there is more adventure to it.
Pete_Hickey said:
Method 1. Take a map, study it, and pick a route that looks interesting.
Method 2: Climb Colden. Look at Algonquin. See if you can pick out something that interests you.
Method 3: Climb Street. Do same.
Method 4: Examine aerial photos from US Photomaps. Remember that the photos weren't taken yesterday.
Algonquin from Caribou Pass

This past summer, a friend and I did an interesting route that included a slide coming up from Caribou Pass. There was an amazing little dyke going down an incredible wall of rock that my partner plans to revist with his ice gear.
Let me know if you want more details.
(The bushwk above this slide almost negated the thrill of the climb - we were totally shredded by the scrub. It took 2 weeks for the skin to grow back - seriously! :( )

iceNsnow said:
This past summer, a friend and I did an interesting route that included a slide coming up from Caribou Pass. There was an amazing little dyke going down an incredible wall of rock that my partner plans to revist with his ice gear.
Let me know if you want more details.
(The bushwk above this slide almost negated the thrill of the climb - we were totally shredded by the scrub. It took 2 weeks for the skin to grow back - seriously! :( )


That wouldn't happen to be the dike heading out the very upper right of the slide (and veering left) would it? How steep is that do you think?
For those that need a visual. I believe this is the area in question. According to a thread on my site (same name), it's called the Zero Slide (cuz it looks like one).


Once again, you can zoom real close by going -HERE- and clicking the image.

Inge, funny you mentioned that, when I first saw it, I gazed right past the slide itself and my eyes automatically were drawn to the area above it and I thought "oh my :eek: that looks ugly up there".

Here's a -SHOT- of the north side of the range (again, click it to enlarge) taken from the about halfway up Lost Pond. Some of those open drainages look tasty, NO?
blacklab2020 said:
That wouldn't happen to be the dike heading out the very upper right of the slide (and veering left) would it? How steep is that do you think?

Blacklab- To answer your Question, no. And I don't know how steep the section you are discribing is w/o venturing a look at map contours.

The "dike" I mentioned described the narrow stairsteps to the left of the wallface (shown at the bottom of Mav's pic - thanks Tim). These steps were not climbable w/o pro even though a minimal amount of water trickled down them.
Do you wish to find an alternate route to descend or ascend?

Visiting Algonquin yesterday, I looked at our summer approach and found insufficient snow as of now to ease travel for a return trip soon.
Do you mean the cliffs in avalanche pass or wallface? (which is on the west side and is not in either of the pictures posted by Mavs site) I think you mean avalanche cliffs since caribou pass is right behind avalanche mtn...

I hate to be the one who has to be technical, but just wanted to be clear on this. I am a big rock-fanatic up there.

its likely we will be choosing another route. I have one in mind, but I might leave that for a summer attempt first or go back with someone as crazy as me to attempt it.

Best Regards,
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blacklab2020 said:
Do you mean the cliffs in avalanche pass or wallface? (which is on the west side and is not in either of the pictures posted by Mavs site) I think you mean avalanche cliffs since caribou pass is right behind avalanche mtn...

I hate to be the one who has to be technical, but just wanted to be clear on this. I am a big rock-fanatic up there.

its likely we will be choosing another route. I have one in mind, but I might leave that for a summer attempt first or go back with someone as crazy as me to attempt it.

Best Regards,

Justin - I was NOT talking about the cliffs of Avalanche Pass or Wallface. I was speaking of the wall of rock (thereby a wallface, but not THE Wallface....) that is at the base of the subject slide to the north of Caribou Pass on the shoulder of Algonquin. Sorry to be confusing. I hope this clears it up.

I wish you well in your adventures!!
