Well-known member
Or are they?
At the risk of shaming myself here on VfTT, I've decided to post my little adventure from today that almost didn't go as planned.
The morning started like any other Sunday morning at camp, where to hike today? I poured through some conditions reports on NETC, and compared notes with my AMC Guide and maps. I threw tons of gear in car, locked the camper, and said goodbye for the weekend. I decided I'd figure it out as I headed south out of Twin Mntn.
I headed up Tripoli Rd towards the Osceolas, but my heart sunk when I saw the line of cars overflowing the parking lot. I set my sights on the Sandwich Range and headed down into Waterville Valley.
A friend of mine often tells me stories of his awesome trail runs and ski trips off Sandwich Notch Rd - and I decided I'd check out Black Mountain Pond amd maybe head up to Black Mntn via the Algonquin Trail. I had read a TR earlier while sipping my morning Joe, and had the route in my mind and had looked at it in my AMC map - Guinea Pond, Black Pond, Algonquin....check!
I decided to head up Algonquin. I threw water, my shell, my emergency bag containing two headlamps, extra batteries, matches, lighter, knife, multi tool, moleskin, gauze, duct tape, compass, baby aspirin --- my SOLS bag, some munchies, and my Map adventures map in my pack --- turned on my SPOT and headed up the trail. Anyone who owns the Map Adventures Map should right about now realize the crucial error I just made.
The Algonquin Trail starts out, well boring....but gradually improves as it enters a semi sub alpine area.....it climbs some STEEP ledges that Terra scrambled straight up but which Pemi Aussie-Puppy required some encouragement. The view points were breathtaking -- Welch Dickey, The Osceolas, and the Jennings - Sandwich Dome Ridge. Over my shoulder, a vast network of wilderness ponds awaited. I reached the Black Mountain Pond jct and started down.
This trail is rough. It's tough to follow in spots, craggy and exposed in others. I had to drop pack amd reclimb a steep little head wall and gently lead Pemi by the collar to it and lower her down. Terra watched, patiently from a distance, with her ever sage and never direct eye contact - making sure everything was okay like a good Aussie should.
I met the only people I'd see all day on this trail - doing the same loop, in the opposite direction. They said, " we may be new at this, but the trail up here was hard to follow"... I encouraged them that they would soon be at Algonquin and it would be steep for a bit but easy to follow.
After a couple more exposed spots, I just wanted to get to Black Mountain Pond where the dogs could swim and we could rest and enjoy the afternoon.
Soon enough, we arrived and spent about an hour poking around the pond, sitting on its sunny shores, checking out campsites and herd paths, and watching the fish jump. What a spectacular little spot! It was tough to leave but it was time to get going.
The Black Mountain Pond Trail meandered away from the pond into open woods. We took a side trip to the pretty Mary Cary Falls. After about an hour if easy walking we reached the end of the trail, and we were at a bit of a three way crossroads pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
I pulled out my map to check my location and this is when I realized that The Map Adventures Map actually didn't contain this part of my hike!
Yes, I felt REALLY stupid right about now!
I looked on my map and saw Flat Mountain Pond to what I thought was my left and a teeny tiny bit of an unnamed trail heading out to a road in Intervale - not where I wanted to go but a destination if I needed one. Which way to go? The Mt Israel/ Mt Mead Trail lay ahead of me. I do not have any familiarity with that area so exploring it was out. I went to the left for about ten minutes to judge the trail and it forked - I took a right fork and dead ended at a small pond. Discouraged, I turned and headed back, wading once again through two open water crossings, and spotted a decrepit handmade sign to Guinea Pond on my right - I followed it to the pond. Ok - it was here that I knew not where I was but that I was going the wrong way - so I turned back and followed the Guinea Pond Trail back towards my un-mapped zone. I noticed when I returned to the black mountain pond junction, that it's sign was only written on the side which would be seen by hikers approaching from the direction I was now headed in -- another good feeling washed over me. my compass had me going sort of north west -- another good sign --- away from Intervale and hopefully toward Sandwich Notch Rd!
I hiked along for a short way and then I came to a FORK! Not what I wanted to see.
. I had checked my phone, no signal. Guinea Pond Trail or Guinea Pond Snowmobile...I took snow mo....it was more like a road, has to go somewhere.
And there were footprints, and a power line...but still no cell signal.
I weighed my options...how far will I walk before I decide to hit my "friends only" button on my SPOT....will I sleep in my SOLS bag tonight? (it's a pleasant night
).... But I dont want my husband to worry - he is aware of my itinerary and he will be expecting a call soon, I'd texted from Black Mntn Pond that I was headed out on what i describes as a quick flat walk....but now that was almost two hours ago.
In about a half mile the power line reappeared and I checked my phone again and had a signal, called home to MichaelJ task him to check out our maps for me to tell me if I'm going the right way-- he announces sadly and with just a pinch of anxiety that my route was cutoff his map too.... I tell him where we have extra AMC maps and I hear the sound of his crutches going downstairs - slowly- one step at a time --- poor fella-- so I suggest I will call our mutual friend who has done tons of ground truthing in the area...and will let him know.
Well - my friend, after I explain now through somewhat nervous breathing, says dryly just before our connection cuts out, " I think you are right about at Sandwich Notch Rd."
Insert happy dance here
. Another minute walking and I reach a kiosk and the road.
As I walked the road to my car, I once again passed the couple I'd seen on the descent to the pond...we laughed about this short and sweet hike we'd taken today....ha ha
Just before I reached my car, my friend arrived...just making sure....his wonderful Wife had called MJ to let him know I wasn't "really lost"
So my friends - take what you will from my story and leave the rest.
Another great day in the woods, and more lessons learned.
At the risk of shaming myself here on VfTT, I've decided to post my little adventure from today that almost didn't go as planned.
The morning started like any other Sunday morning at camp, where to hike today? I poured through some conditions reports on NETC, and compared notes with my AMC Guide and maps. I threw tons of gear in car, locked the camper, and said goodbye for the weekend. I decided I'd figure it out as I headed south out of Twin Mntn.
I headed up Tripoli Rd towards the Osceolas, but my heart sunk when I saw the line of cars overflowing the parking lot. I set my sights on the Sandwich Range and headed down into Waterville Valley.
A friend of mine often tells me stories of his awesome trail runs and ski trips off Sandwich Notch Rd - and I decided I'd check out Black Mountain Pond amd maybe head up to Black Mntn via the Algonquin Trail. I had read a TR earlier while sipping my morning Joe, and had the route in my mind and had looked at it in my AMC map - Guinea Pond, Black Pond, Algonquin....check!
I decided to head up Algonquin. I threw water, my shell, my emergency bag containing two headlamps, extra batteries, matches, lighter, knife, multi tool, moleskin, gauze, duct tape, compass, baby aspirin --- my SOLS bag, some munchies, and my Map adventures map in my pack --- turned on my SPOT and headed up the trail. Anyone who owns the Map Adventures Map should right about now realize the crucial error I just made.
The Algonquin Trail starts out, well boring....but gradually improves as it enters a semi sub alpine area.....it climbs some STEEP ledges that Terra scrambled straight up but which Pemi Aussie-Puppy required some encouragement. The view points were breathtaking -- Welch Dickey, The Osceolas, and the Jennings - Sandwich Dome Ridge. Over my shoulder, a vast network of wilderness ponds awaited. I reached the Black Mountain Pond jct and started down.
This trail is rough. It's tough to follow in spots, craggy and exposed in others. I had to drop pack amd reclimb a steep little head wall and gently lead Pemi by the collar to it and lower her down. Terra watched, patiently from a distance, with her ever sage and never direct eye contact - making sure everything was okay like a good Aussie should.
I met the only people I'd see all day on this trail - doing the same loop, in the opposite direction. They said, " we may be new at this, but the trail up here was hard to follow"... I encouraged them that they would soon be at Algonquin and it would be steep for a bit but easy to follow.
After a couple more exposed spots, I just wanted to get to Black Mountain Pond where the dogs could swim and we could rest and enjoy the afternoon.
Soon enough, we arrived and spent about an hour poking around the pond, sitting on its sunny shores, checking out campsites and herd paths, and watching the fish jump. What a spectacular little spot! It was tough to leave but it was time to get going.
The Black Mountain Pond Trail meandered away from the pond into open woods. We took a side trip to the pretty Mary Cary Falls. After about an hour if easy walking we reached the end of the trail, and we were at a bit of a three way crossroads pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
I pulled out my map to check my location and this is when I realized that The Map Adventures Map actually didn't contain this part of my hike!
I looked on my map and saw Flat Mountain Pond to what I thought was my left and a teeny tiny bit of an unnamed trail heading out to a road in Intervale - not where I wanted to go but a destination if I needed one. Which way to go? The Mt Israel/ Mt Mead Trail lay ahead of me. I do not have any familiarity with that area so exploring it was out. I went to the left for about ten minutes to judge the trail and it forked - I took a right fork and dead ended at a small pond. Discouraged, I turned and headed back, wading once again through two open water crossings, and spotted a decrepit handmade sign to Guinea Pond on my right - I followed it to the pond. Ok - it was here that I knew not where I was but that I was going the wrong way - so I turned back and followed the Guinea Pond Trail back towards my un-mapped zone. I noticed when I returned to the black mountain pond junction, that it's sign was only written on the side which would be seen by hikers approaching from the direction I was now headed in -- another good feeling washed over me. my compass had me going sort of north west -- another good sign --- away from Intervale and hopefully toward Sandwich Notch Rd!
I hiked along for a short way and then I came to a FORK! Not what I wanted to see.
I weighed my options...how far will I walk before I decide to hit my "friends only" button on my SPOT....will I sleep in my SOLS bag tonight? (it's a pleasant night
In about a half mile the power line reappeared and I checked my phone again and had a signal, called home to MichaelJ task him to check out our maps for me to tell me if I'm going the right way-- he announces sadly and with just a pinch of anxiety that my route was cutoff his map too.... I tell him where we have extra AMC maps and I hear the sound of his crutches going downstairs - slowly- one step at a time --- poor fella-- so I suggest I will call our mutual friend who has done tons of ground truthing in the area...and will let him know.
Well - my friend, after I explain now through somewhat nervous breathing, says dryly just before our connection cuts out, " I think you are right about at Sandwich Notch Rd."
Insert happy dance here
As I walked the road to my car, I once again passed the couple I'd seen on the descent to the pond...we laughed about this short and sweet hike we'd taken today....ha ha
Just before I reached my car, my friend arrived...just making sure....his wonderful Wife had called MJ to let him know I wasn't "really lost"
So my friends - take what you will from my story and leave the rest.
Another great day in the woods, and more lessons learned.
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