Allen 6/7/09

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I see a recent post of Allen, but from the other approach so I'll post from mine up from Upper works. I went with a 46'er friend who had climbed it about 7 years ago. Trail up past Lake Jimmy and Sally easy and mostly road walking. We missed the "temporay trail" across the river, not sure how it is well marked, but the senic detour added a good 2 miles onto our trip. River crossings, all 5 I believe, were relatively easy and were made by hopping rock to rock so no fording was necissary. The trail was very easy to follow once we corrected our early mistake and even through the unmaintained Allen section was easy to follow with attentive hiking. Unforntunately unlike the previous post, we ended up doing the last half in and part of the return in a light to steady rain. Going up the already brownish alge covered rocks on the mountain accent was made a bit more tedious. Mostly rain clouded views from the top and do to rain slowed and the detour we ended up coming out with headlamps. Aside from the grueling nature of the hike we made it with no problems, just wet, tired and beat up. Blackflies were out pretty heavy at the start, but whether it was the rain or whatever they weren't bad for the last half the trail.
Recommend poles, nice grippy boots, and a STRONG determination to do this hike. It lives up to its name "big nasty" for sure! 20 miles later i'm glad to have this high peak done and out of the way! :)
