Allen Mountain

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We hiked up PAllen Mountain yesterday, March 7th, 2009 starting at 7:00 AM. Temperature was 34 degrees. Snowshoes a necessity for the entire hike, although by the afternoon with temperatures in the low forties, we were post-holeing much of the way back to the car. We had mostly sunny blue skies until we reached the mountain. We had lunch at the bottom of one of the steep sections and thin clouds were starting to form. The trail became very steep in places with ice jams on the slide sections. We heard the waterfall under the snow, but didn't see it. We finally made it to the top by 2:15 and took pictures 50 feet beyond the sign of the awesome views looking north toward Skylight, Marcy and the great range. There were also beautiful of the Dixes and off in the distance, Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge. There was a great view of Sawteeth which enhanced the teeth of the saw. After pictures at the sign to prove we were there, we departed for the long long long march/butt slide back down the mountain. Mountaineering axe would have been helpful for the slide sections, but we used our poles instead to brake with. After reaching the bottom the snow had by now softened considerably with temps in the low forties and plenty of sun during the day. We found ourselves post-holeing with snowshoes much of the way back. There were a few showers by four pm. By seven pm, steady rain. We made it back to the car by 9:30pm. We were the only two people on the mountain that day which was a nice change.
Mark and Tom