Allen Mt, April 1 (no fooling)

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Oct 7, 2003
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Keene, NY
Microspikes were fine in the morning when the trail/road to the Opalescent River was frozen. I tried to do the same on the return but I was falling through too much, so I went back to snowshoes. Some of the water crossings and streams were open, some looked solid but weren't, still others were OK.

Wading was the only option to cross the Opalescent River at the designated crossing. River was too high and swift for rock-hopping on the icy rocks. Water level was below my knees with moderate current. There were huge snow bridges still on Skylight Brook; many would probably not hold body weight. The Allen Brook slide had 3-5 feet of hard packed snow/crust with a few holes opening up in the lower sections. No problem climbing/descending with snowshoes on the permeable ice/crust. Actually, it was easier than summer without the water, mud, and brown slime.