alpine flower id? / love King Ravine

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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
I think it's mountain cranberry, but the picture in my guidebook looks different.

I'm awed by King Ravine every time. I hiked the King Ravine Trail across the floor and up the headwall to Mt. Adams. Such a great mix of ledge and boulders and flora. On the way down I hiked the Great Gully Trail for the first time. This scarcely-used trail is gorgeous, with tons of many different plants and alpine flowers. The trail skirts a beautiful cascade that I had noticed from the floor of the ravine.

Happy Trails :)
Yup -- Vaccinium vitis-idaea.

Good photo. I've never been quite able to get a photo that shows the leaves and the flowers clearly enough that you can see the 4 petals opening, since they usually hang downwards.

(p.s. please post more, I probably won't be getting to King Ravine this year :( )