Altai mountain trip- near Mongolia, Siberia and China

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Nov 14, 2003
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Canton, NY. Avatar: Mt. Washington in Winter:
There's a non-profit group based in the Adirondacks that is organizing 2 trips to the Altai Republic of Russia. In a nutshell, the group, Altai Assistance Project, is using knowledge gained in the Adirondack Park to promote conservation and ecologically sound tourism in Altai. To learn more about their aims, past & present projects, and the Altai itself, see

Here's an invitation from someone in the group:

AAP facilitates exchanges between people in the US and the Altai to share information and experiences, in an effort to develop land use policies using the Park as a model.

We like the place so much we thought others might enjoy an opportunity to explore it. We are offering two expeditions, run solely by local [there] tour operators. [June 18-July 2, 2006 and July 17-31.] Accompanied by a local naturalist, travelers will hike to some of the most beautiful places on earth and explore and discover rare alpine flora, stunning geologic formations, ancient rock paintings and petroglyphs. Please check our website[click on "Travel"] for more information. We are considering adding a September trip, please call or write for more info.
518-962-4514 [email protected]

And here's something by one of last year's participants:

We went to Altai last June. Our role was to act as "guinea pigs" and help the Russians design a quality travel program.

We had a wonderful time and truthfully, the trip ranks right near the top in terms of adventure, beauty and novelty. We did encounter some difficulties, mostly in how the Russians interpreted what types of activities would appeal to us and how they could be best executed. However, that was our role in going on the trip and the information I have received is that the trip has been further improved using the input we all provided.

The Altai region is fabulously beautiful and if you go, you will see things that very few Americans will ever see in their lifetime. Examples: standing out near the ancient Silk Road trading route which Genghis Khan also used as a pathway from Mongolia (which lies just over thesnow-capped mountain range). You will see thousands of ancient petroglyphs, carved by the traders who used the Silk Road, and who camped in the area where you will walk. And as you walk around this stark but beautiful area, miles from the nearest human besides your travel companions, you will observe the wild Mongol horses, still roaming the area.

Additionally, you will see a country in early transition from Communism/Big Brother to Capitalism. Occasional deserted collective farms will appear on the landscape, testimonial to their ultimate failure.

Most significantly is the raw beauty of the region that is so striking. Deep canyons, majestic mountains. Lush meadows. Abundant wildflowers.

The Altai people you will meet will be extremely friendly and interested in communicating with you. The translator who will accompany you (Natalya is her name), is an extraordinary person whose skills and insight will touch you.

I don't want to ruin your trip by revealing everything that you will encounter (if you go), but suffice it to say that it will be an adventure that will stay with you forever.

Am I glad I went? Without question. Would I go again? I plan to... I've even been considering going on the Trans Siberian Rail in a couple of years which passes just north of the Altai (you can take stops along the way and venture out).

I think I can say with confidence that everyone from last year's group would go again without hesitation. Overall, highly, highly, highly recommended. It's a rare opportunity and the costs are very reasonable especially considering what you get in return.

Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. Richard Maid.