ammo trail sat 11/12

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Nov 18, 2004
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Hikin' the scree on Shasta....
a couple of us vfft folks are heading up the ammo trail with the hopes of doing monroe/wash/clay and heading down the jewell. plan is to stay local friday night and then get a nice 5am-ish start sat am. let me know if interested in joing us for a fun filled day.
cool - got about 5 folks so far and a couple of maybe's. Little more details::

The monroe/wash/clay thing is just an outline - the group can make final call what to do at lakes depending on weather/conditions - Right now sat looks great - but still a ways off.

I think crampons will be needed - not sure on snowshoes yet. Righ now I am on the fence weather to camp or stay at cheap sleep friday.
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already mentioned this to most in private message - but - just be prepared for full winter conditions - weather looks good as of now - but we may be above treeline for some good time - so be prepared for wind/cold - you know the deal. not trying to insult intelligence here - just making sure we all know.

I am assuming crampons for the upper ammo at the least. showshoes? haven't a clue what the snowpack is now. going to bring them and then probably leave them in the car like usual.

A few of us are car camping near the trailhead - PM me for where if you want to join camping.
Chip that has to be one of the coldest looking avatars ever :)

If you go over the two bumps of Clay to me it makes sense to re-trace steps back to Gulfside rather than continue down to Sphinx col where you lose allot of elevation and add more distance. Also that shoulder of Clay is very exposed.

This is my favorite loop, already done it twice this year or I'd join you.