Andrew Skurka 2 Seas-2 Feet tour coming to New England

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Apr 24, 2004
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Nashua, NH; Avatar: Boston Marathon 2010
Andrew Skurka, who successfully hiked all the major trails in the USA in less than a year :) , is traveling around the country with a slide show/ Q and A session. He'll be at every EMS around, or so it looks like and various REI's. This will be an interesting event.

It is sponsored by which has the link and other interesting items, or you can access it directly at

(Disclaimer- I don't work for EMS, Golite, REI etc etc.... :p )
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amstony said:
Andrew Skurka, who successfully hiked all the major trails in the USA in less than a year :)
this statment is a bit inaccurate. there's well over 10,000 miles of trail miles out there.
and if i'm correct there have only been 2 people to successfully hike the triple crown in less than 1 year(7000 some odd miles). but just the same, that dude puts down the miles for sure!! that is without question.
unneccessary redsquaring/ abuse

hello to amstony. thanks for the red square. but if you do your homework i am abosolutly positive he did not hike all the major trails in the U.S. in one year. i am certain that you are confused by the map displayed on his site. he is showing all of the major trails in the U.S. but he certainly did not hike them all in one year. he was and is the first person to hike the sea to sea route which crosses the U.S. and is in conjunction with some of the other trails. please get your facts straight before red squaring me when i am correct in what i stated. this information is well known to those in the long distance hiking community.
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post'r boy said:
but he certainly did not hike them all in one year. he was and is the first person to hike the sea to sea route which crosses the U.S. and is in conjunction with some of the other trails. please get your facts straight before red squaring me when i am correct in what i stated. this information is well known to those in the long distance hiking community.

I saw him speak in Hanover in October. He hiked PART of all the major hiking trails to get from Sea to Sea, but he didn't hike much of the AT, CDT or PCT. In fact, he barely hiked any of the PCT.

However, this is stil an amazing feat, not just for its length, but for the seasonal challanges. He hiked through the coldest parts of the country in the middle of winter. Alone. This was certainly an amazing accomplishment if you like these kinds of things (and I do).
post'r boy said:
hello to amstony. thanks for the red square. but if you do your homework i am abosolutly positive he did not hike all the major trails in the U.S. in one year. i am certain that you are confused by the map displayed on his site. he is showing all of the major trails in the U.S. but he certainly did not hike them all in one year. he was and is the first person to hike the sea to sea route which crosses the U.S. and is in conjunction with some of the other trails. please get your facts straight before red squaring me when i am correct in what i stated. this information is well known to those in the long distance hiking community.

I think you need to get over it
He did not do the triple crown.

He did thru-hike the AT in 2002.

His most recent and biggest accomplishment was being the first person to do the Sea-to-Sea route.

"The Sea-to-Sea Route (C2C) is a 7,800-mile network of existing long-distance hiking trails that spans almost continuously between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the exception of an 800-mile gap in North Dakota and Montana along the Missouri River and a less formidable 30-mile gap in Vermont."

He's going to be at my EMS May 2nd. It'll be nice to meet him.