Annual Hooligan Winter Hike - Poplar Stream Falls Hut - March 14-16

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2003
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Newton, MA
This is an annual event for a handful of members of our Special Olympics soccer teams. This year, 4 athletes, one mother and me. Welcome to join us, it is always nice to meet propspective mentors on the trail.

PM me with your email address if you wish to join our group or make your own arrangements through Maine Huts and Trails.

There is a groomed xc ski trail to the hut system (now two huts) but we are snowshoeing the 2 1/2 miles to Poplar Stream.

Link to the hut:

Bunkrooms are heated in detached buildings; bathrooms and showers are in the main building. Pillows and blankets are provided but summer weight sleeping bags are advisable.
All I'll say about this trip was that it was beautiful weather, not exactly the view from Bigelow but nice views to Bigelow, and nicely groomed xc ski trails plus occasional paths and bushwhacks more suitable for those who wish to stray from the groomed stuff.

More impressive was the green construction and energy generation (photovoltaics and a small hydroplant) cleverly integrated to provide a comparatively "luxurious" hut experience including heated bunkrooms (55 F) and hot showers, which, for all the fanfare, none of us availed ourselves of! The food was commendable but above all, the staff was friendly, informative and genuine. The price beats the socks off the AMC huts.

A few of the participants of this Hooligan Hike are old pros at it by now but it is always good to introduce a newbie, safely and securely, to the outdoor joys that enrich so many of our lives.

I can't wait for my next visit to a Maine Huts and Trails Lodge ... Flagstaff Hut, not in winter via skis but in summer via kayak.