Any Poets Out There?

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Oct 27, 2004
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The Green Mountain Club will do anything to keep hikers off the trails during mud season, April 15-Memorial Day. They ask us to think of this as a time to give back to GMC trails by keeping off them. They'll even read our mud season haikus. OK, here goes a 5-7-5.

Mud season is here
Writing not hiking today
Clear ink leaves no trace
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Hmmm..... I wouldn't have thought that haiku's were a noted Vermont art form :D
I am waaayyy too tired for this, but haiku has long been my favorite form of formal poetry...

Knee deep sucking mud
fighting for a next step. Lift
foot... where is my shoe?!
Interesting...brings back memories of middle school English.

Look at all the mud!
Sunk in above the ankles
Forgot extra socks. :mad: :D
Man, I used to suck at this but I'll give it a whirl anyway:

Green Mountains now brown
My feet, they sink (and stink)
squishy, squishy yuck!
My attempts...

Here goes. Probably not precisely 5-7-5... ...alittle sketchy, perhaps! :eek:

A gentle, fragrant breeze.
All is mist, waterfalls and wist.
Mud skippers not any slippers.

When Peepers cry their plight.
Trod not, to our hallowed height.
Fires warm our frozen plight.

Piles of dirt and water meet.
Black birds parked in a cloudy sky.
Mud beneath our feet.

sunshine and birdsong
Legs sink to the upper thigh
No mud, only snow!!
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Mud and Spring, lovers
Tragically torn apart
By bully Summer.
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Sacrifice today,
So all can stroll tomorrow.
Sun will shine on you.
There once was a man named Bud
Who hit the trails with a thud
but did the right thing
and skipped early spring
and waited for when there was no mud
The trail calls daily
To Walk is to know I live
Movement equals life

Wind gives voice to trees
A quiet person must listen
the woods are alive!

City people sleep
around them life is fleeting
Hikers know true peace

High peaks call to me
hidden forces make them rise
Time is the master...

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