Anyone know what animal made these tracks?

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Feb 27, 2006
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Long Island, NY Avatar: The REAL Dylan goe
Forgot to post this question. Saturday while hiking Kaaterskill H.P., we saw a set of tracks in the mud up around 3000' on the snowmobile trail/Long Path.

Anyone know what they are? They kind of look like black bear, but there are only 4 toes that I can see and I don't see any claw marks.

That's a black bear tip toein up on the hiker ahead of you.
Almost certainly a black bear. Somtimes I notice that the pinky toe doesn't almost make a deep impression (like the other ones do). Here's a similar EXAMPLE (but you can see the faint outline). Same thing with claws, unless its on a real good surface, they can be hard to see.

The front and rear prints is a DEAD giveaway. Good Picture.

Bears seem to be coming out pretty good all around the state (must be the dryness is hurting the berry yield). I think we'll see a lot of them this year. Check out THIS THREAD (w/pictures) about a 500 lb bruin seen the other day in the village of Eagle Bay (Adirondacks)

Imagine waking up to that outside your window.
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Try this link, and scroll down the page to see examples of tracks left by black bears.

I like the dollar bill used for scale. Imagine how much bigger (or more impressive) those tracks would have seemed had you used a C-note!

Nice clean photo, by the way.

I've seen bear tracks on that very same trail!

About six years ago, while hiking through a small meadow of tall grass on the snowmobile trail (between the turnoff and the plane crash), I came upon a huge ovular area of grass that had been flattened by a bear, the grasses were just starting to spring up, so I must have only been a few minutes behind. Along the main trail leading up there that day, I was following fresh tracks that ran from Platte Clove Rd all the way to the "crop circle" in the field.

Very cool!
I hiked KHP from Palenville two weeks ago and was following VERY large, fresh bear tracks along the level section of trail between the Poets Ledge spur trail, and where the trail turns south and begins to ascend to the snow mobile trail. A trail runner coming the other way said, (in a knowledgable voice) that he had just seen the largest black bear he had ever seen "in the east".

I had spent the night near Buttermilk falls. I didn't cook dinner, but I did cook a very aeromatic breakfast, but luckily didn't get a visit by the bruin!

Pic of print attached.

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