apology for comment


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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
I wish to apologise to all for my comment on the "sickest thing" thread, which is now closed.

I have been justifiably rebutted and scolded, but I want to apologise to all.

I live in a neighborhood in the mountains that is 92% vacation homes, owned by people from surrounding states. On certain weekends they all come, and when they are here we suffer with their often rude behavior. Speeding down our dirt road (we've almost been hit on our walks), speeding on our road with snowmobiles (illegal), fireworks at 1:00a.m. waking us up, etc., etc. So many act like animals, they can't behave that way at home.

Anyway, as I said, this b*#ch was totally rude to my wife, who went out of her way to find the owner of the package so they would have it for Christmas. She was rude, didn't say thank-you, or even good-bye, just hung up the phone. Add a bit of cheer which I was enjoying until that point, and well, I shouldn't have posted like that. I should know better not to paint with a broad brush, espescially since I was raised in R.I. There are good and bad people everywhere. All I did was act like one of the morons.

So, my apologies to everyone. I'll behave.

I actually was thinking about this while hiking to Mt Jackson today, and I thought of a thread that should have some healing effect....
<moderator hat on>
Thank you for the apology. At this point I think it's best to let the thread pass into history.

For everyone else who was offended in one way or the other by that thread, please remember that there are people on the other side of the the computer screen. We're all in this together.

I'm going to close this thread and let everyone enjoy their holiday season.

<moderator hat off>
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