AT in CT, late April

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Early Bird

Active member
Jan 18, 2007
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Hollis, Conway
I'm planning a backpacking trip. I am hoping to be out 3-4 days, including travel, and get through the AT in CT. It's around 50 miles. I need to be home for another hike on the 28th. I am somewhat flexible otherwise. The AT in CT is a beautiful fairly easy section. For high peakers, it does go over the highest peak in CT, Bear Mountain. (Unless you count Mt. Frissel as the high peak. I'm not sure how the rules work for that list.) Anyway, if you have the time and interest in that section, reply or PM me and we can work out the details.

I was also toying with backpacking the AT in MA during that time and haven't closed the door on that, but leaning more towards CT since I'll be backpacking through MA later in June.

If any CT members have advice on where to maybe leave a car, I'd be grateful for your input, especially in light of the car break-in posts. Thanks!
If you're starting at the south end of the AT in Connecticut, either the lot on Rt. 55 or the one nearby on Hoyt Rd. will do. Both are considered safe. I like the small parking area on Hoyt Rd. best, since it's in a pretty nice neighborhood. Houses around usually means safer.

If you're coming down off the Riga Plateau at the Mass./CT line, are you planning to backtrack on Paradise Lane down to the Undermountain trailhead on Rt. 41? There was a thread on another website about broken window glass in the parking lot there last year. I still think of that lot as safe. Just don't give people a reason to break in - i.e. don't leave valuables in plain sight.

Have a nice hike.
Let me know what your specific dates are and I may be able to help with the car spot and may join you for a bit. I think all parking spots are equally safe and all have the slight potential for a break-in. The Undermountain Trail parking has more room and more activity. It adds a few miles to the trip, but may be your best bet.
Connecticut's highest

CT is a bit unusual in that the highest peak is NOT its highest point.

Bear Mt is CT's highest peak; but the highest point is on a shoulder of Mt Frissell (SP?), whose peak is just over the state line in MA. They are very near to each other and offer nice bucolic views.

I'm not able to give you current beta on parking.

Enjoy the trip.
We did CT last summer and had no problems with the parking areas. We parked at the Hoyt Road PA and all was well.

We will be starting in Pittsfield MA to Stratton/Arlington Road in VT the end of June. You are welcome to join us, if interested pm me for details. I am looking for beta on parking in VT as I hear there have been many problems in the PA's there. Do you know of anyone who helps with shuttles there? I do have a few numbers from ATC's site I am going to try.

Thanks - Cindy
There is a nice big safe lot on Rt 55 near the NY/CT border.

For the Southern LT, check out the End to Ender's Guide (for the Long Trail) and contact someone from the GMC Volunteer List in the back of the guide.Try under the heading "GMC Volunteer's Who Offer Shuttles to Hikers".

Your best bet would be to arrange a parking situation/shuttle with one of them. Just make sure you tell them you are hiking the LT. (heh heh)
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AT in CT update

I just wanted to post that this trip is definitely on for next weekend into Monday or Tuesday. I'll begin on Sat. the 21st. The first day will be about 13 miles. I know at least one other hiker will be along for the first day. If you are interested in day hiking either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday or in backpacking for that time, let me know. :)