Atlas 1025 Arch Pivot Strap Repair or New Showshoes

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Sep 5, 2003
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Manchester, NH
I just realized, after our new snow, that I had meant to investigate repairing my ATLAS snowshoes at the end of the season. Alas, I forgot.

The strap that runs around the frame to the arch area pivot strap has lost its rivet that has a gripping effect. I was thinking I could take a long screw with some washers and nuts and Locktite so they will be usable, but I can't get the strapping material to streatch so that the holes line up. In addition, the whole "boot" area has shifted so that it is off-sided now.

Anyone have any suggestions for how I might repair? If I need to send them away, I can see that I'll need to purchase a new pair and keep these as loaners/backups, so...

Any suggestions on what new snowshoe brands/modelsI should consider? Looking for something that will work well in the Whites, not just around a golf course, of course.

BTW, I have another older pair of snowshoes which I have given to my daughter/son-in-law with a promise to repair the tears in the decking -- I just found an article online that suggests using Teflon gasket material and stainless steel rivets.
tough call.

I've "fixed" my Atlas 1025's once (rivets on the bottom broke, used washers/screws) and had to send them away to be professional fixed another time, (waited until spring to send away) but they are still going strong, I prob. bought in '01 or '02 and they are heavily used. I wore them last weekend even though I have bought new snowshoes! I'm prob. not as handy with fixing things as you might be, but I say.........send them away, buy a new pair and keep them as "back-up/spare" shoes. I ended up buying Atlast 1023's only because I've loved the other Atlas's. Everyone seems to have great reviews on the MSR's nowadays though.............
tough call.

I've "fixed" my Atlas 1025's once (rivets on the bottom broke, used washers/screws) and had to send them away to be professional fixed another time, (waited until spring to send away) but they are still going strong, I prob. bought in '01 or '02 and they are heavily used. I wore them last weekend even though I have bought new snowshoes! I'm prob. not as handy with fixing things as you might be, but I say.........send them away, buy a new pair and keep them as "back-up/spare" shoes. I ended up buying Atlast 1023's only because I've loved the other Atlas's. Everyone seems to have great reviews on the MSR's nowadays though.............

That's about the line of thinking I'm leaning towards. My Atlas came from EMS. They were rental equipment that they were selling off, so I don't have a great investment in them. Before that I had Tubbs which now belong to my daughter and her husband.