August hike(s) in the Whites??

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Sep 7, 2003
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Lake Luzerne, NY & New Paltz, NY
I plan to do a couple of day hikes in the White Mountains during August and would prefer to have other hikers for company. I'm working on the 48/115 and have a few more climbs in the Whites. I am most interested in the following: Owl's Head (from Lincoln Woods, via the Black Pond bushwack); Whiteface and Passaconnaway (via Blueberry Ledge etc) and Flume and Liberty via Flume Slide (loop down Liberty Spring, though I could be talked into up-and-down via Liberty Spring/Franconia Ridge).

I have a lot of scheduling flexibility in August so we could negotiate the date(s).

Due to a recent back problem, I'm not hiking as fast as I was, but still go about booktime (maybe slower if this heat continues :rolleyes: )

I would be travelling to the Whites from the Albany, NY area, so it would be a bonus if someone from this area wanted to ride up together. I plan to stay up there for 2-3 nights.

I anticipate staying at least some of the nights at either the Highland Center or Pinkham Notch. Maybe camping other nights.

If interested, either in the hike(s) or in the travel or both, PM me or respond here.
drweo: just so you don't think your being snubbed, a lot of us are headed to Peak_bgr's BBQ weekend in the ADK's from 8/18-21. That may explain the lack of response on this thread. You might add specific dates in order to get more responses. Good luck on your quest for the 115!
Hi Dr. Weo,

I have Whiteface & Passaconaway, and Flume & Liberty on my list for hikes "to do" this year (and I have planned them using the same routes as you!).

I'm not a very fast hiker (book time on ascent, faster on descent and on level terrain. I also like to take lots of pics).

I'd be interested in hiking with you. My schedule is also vey flexible for all of August. Unfortunately I'm nowhere near where you live, so we would have to arrange to meet at or near the trails.

Whites this month

SherpaK: Thanks for the note. Yes, it looks like Spence's gathering is getting lots of folks this year. That's great; I hope to make it there one of these years. My personal priority this year is to climb as many of my remaining 115 so that next year I can finish up, likely in Baxter State Park in Maine. So I dont think I will be at the gathering this year.

MtnMike: That's great! I'm thinking about going to NH soon. THe weather is looking fairly good for this weekend/early next week. What do you think about that timing? (I have some things to take care of but should be able to get them done before that.)
drweo: I will be heading back for more time in the Whites, probably near the end of August. Most likely it will be for another week, but if i can get away earlier too, we could ride over for the Whiteface/Passaconaway and/or others for a couple of days. I thought of doing Owl's Head and Flume together as part of a backpack. Also I would probably head out for East Sleeper from Whiteface. Keep me abreast of possible days.
drweo said:
MtnMike: That's great! I'm thinking about going to NH soon. THe weather is looking fairly good for this weekend/early next week. What do you think about that timing? (I have some things to take care of but should be able to get them done before that.)

That sounds great! I'll PM you my email address.
Since I'm wide-open throughout all of August I'll let you set the date and time.

I'm interested in Whiteface/Passaconaway (if my schedule permits). PM me & let me know when you're doing it. (Don't schedule around me, though.) Based on MtnMike's description, I have about the same pace. (at least when there aren't alpine plants to observe, and from what I know about Whiteface/Passaconaway I'm not expecting any of that.)
White Mt. Hikes

Looks like I'll be travelling to NH on Sat and hiking on Sun. Most likely Whiteface/Passaconnaway. I may well stay a few more days to do another hike, maybe Owls Head or Flume/Liberty.

I've PM'ed the hikers who have indicated an interest in joining me; anyone else ??
Been there, done that

Well, for now, anyway.

MtnMike wasnt able to meet me on Sun morning but I didnt get his cell call till I was at the trailhead. So I went up Whiteface and Passaconaway alone. Well....alone with about 20 other hikers around.
Then yesterday I climbed Flume and Liberty. Anyone who has not done those two mts should go: it's a big climbing challenge up the slide but the views are eyepopping!

I now have 2 more in NH (Owls Head and Isolation, of course!); hope to make it back there for at least one of them this year, and am thinking I will go to Baxter St. Park next summer, probably in August. Lots of time for planning (and getting in better shape)

Thanks for trying, MtnMike!