Auto Road winter shortcut

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Jun 15, 2008
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Raymond, NH
Has anyone ever hiked the winter shortcut of the Mt. Washington Auto Road? The road is mentioned in the beginning of the description for the Wamsutta Trail. It is clearly visible on satellite images

It goes from the Wamsutta Trail at the 6 mile post to a spot above the Chandler Brook Trail at about 4.5 miles up the auto road. It cuts off a switchback in the auto road. There is also a branch joining in around the 5.5 mile mark.

Walking it would save some distance as well as avoid the cars and most of the road. I am considering this as a way to get to Chandler Brook Tr from mile 6 as an alternative to desending the Wamsutta Trail. Has anyone hiked this in nonwinter conditions. It seems easy enough to follow since it can be seen from satellite, but I am wondering about the footing, since it is not a hiking trail.
Andy, I’ve never hiked the Winter Cut-Off Trail. However, here are a couple of things that you may or may not find useful.

_ On my recent trip up the Auto Road with AVK4316 and RickB, this trail was pointed out to me, and it looked very hike-able.

_ Also, a few members of this Forum have told me that this route is fine for hiking. Perhaps one of them will chime in with some first-hand experience.

_ And lastly, if you happen to have Map Adventures’ “White Mountains Waterproof Trail Map, 3rd Edition”, then you can see that the “Winter Cut-Off” is shown as a hiking trail (that should count for something!).
yeah, my map shows it as a "hiking trail". it's been a few years, but i remember looking down it while heading to wamsutta once and having the impression it was totally hikable. was considering using it much in the way you seem to be. as a way to get to chandler from the summit without walking the road.

I came up the Wamsutta this past Sunday, so I got to do the last 50 yards of this "road". That section was gravelly with some ruts. Not particularly nice but no worse than an ordinary trail.