Avalanche Lake/Sewards Gate?


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When do you need to know?
I hope to be able to answer your second question tomorrow night.
You know the snowplow turns around closer to the highway now, eh? Like something like 1.5 miles.

I've done the road several times from the gate and that was long enough. I've yet to do the new distance. Drove the road once in winter. What a difference!
Av Lake certainly has ice on it, but personally, I don't even think about walking on it until well into January, and that also depends on the weather leading up to it.
Corey's Road gate was still open on Friday and car had driven the road to the summer trailhead! I know that doesn't help yet for Dec. 21 but I will be able to let you know about it next Sunday evening the 20th of December!

Regarding Avalanche Lake I would be very careful as just before this past week snow storm ground wasn't frozen even at the 3500'altitude. Furthermore I would think that snow will be very wet along trails on the flat in the Sewards and the Santanois among others.
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I pasted Lake Colden on Monday and the ice wasn't formed near the edges. A little ways out I put it at about 1-1.5 inches so not thick and consistent enough for travel, IMO. The very cold temps this weekend will help but I feel it shouldn't be pressed.
We drove to the summer TH yesterday on a freshly plowed road.
A friend climbed Macomb last Saturday and then Dial and Nippletop yesterday and reported that there isn't much more than 2 feet even higher up but that so far it's enough to cover the ice underneath. Said that he even needed the snowshoes on the upper section of the AMR Lake Road.