Avalanche Mtn August 17


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Oct 21, 2007
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After we crossed the first stream (near the first lean-to beyond Marcy Dam) and worked our way over to the next stream, which comes down from Caribou Pass, traces of the old skid road along the right bank could be followed off and on, but generally the woods were open and the stream itself was an OK alternative for much of the way. Heading south (up) toward the ridge, there was a continuous band of cliffs, but it was broken at one place by a convenient small drainage that led to a heighth of land just east of the summit, which offered limited views of Colden to the south and Algonquin & Wright to the north. Going down we followed the path of least resistance along the north side of the ridge until we got low enough; then turned right and in ten minutes came out on the Avalanche Pass-Marcy Dam trail very near our jumping off point. There is really no herd path, even at the top. The going was thick. That evening, focussing with my remaining unscratched eye, I needed tweezers to pick a zillion balsam needles out of the padded shoulder straps and backing on my daypack. Reminder to self: next 'whack, use a smooth fabric daypack which sheds needles...and remember the goggles.
Doncha just love the first 2 min of a shower after a day like this? When the scratches and flaying that the blowdown, dead spruce branches, and pine needle whips that are 'discovered' by the hot water and soap in the shower?
Even more fun when a sunburn enhances it. :eek:

Love the view of the Macs from the top, though.