Backpack to Blue Brook Shelter & Mt Meader, 4/25-4/26

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Active member
Jun 16, 2008
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Scarborough, Maine
Date of Hike: Sat. 4/25-Sunday 4/26

Trail Conditions:
  • Basin Trail from Basin Pond to Rim Jct. - in good shape, drying out nicely with a few muddy spots. Stream crossing near w. end of Basin Pond is doable with care. A few climb-over blowdowns.
  • Black Angel Trail from Rim Jct. to Blue Brook Shelter - a very soggy half mile - standing water, running water, some old, wet snow still left, not deep though. Lots of moose crap, er, that is to say, "sign" on the trail.
  • Basin Rim Trail to Mt Meader - still a fair amount of wet snow, thigh deep in spots, with water underneath. Nobody had been that way in some time. We did some postholing.

Special Equipment Required: waterproof boots, gaiters

Comments: a most enjoyable one night backpack to the Blue Brook Shelter. We had a great time. Plenty of good food and wine. Great views from the Rim Jct. outlook and the Meader summit. The waterfalls are roaring! Trillium and other wildflowers are up and starting to bloom. Bugs are not biting... yet.

Thanks to John G, Fran M, Daymond N, and Phil P for a relaxing mini-getaway. photos