Baldface Blueberries, anyone?

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Mad Townie

New member
Oct 8, 2003
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Leb, NH
Almost last minute plan to hike South Baldface, or maybe the Baldface Circle Trail, on Sunday, August 13th. Essential gear includes large Ziploc bags for blueberries!

Starting from trailhead parking lot around 8:30-9:00.
my botanical background compels me to mention that the Baldface Circle trail has bilberries (Vaccinium uliginosum = the blueberry-looking plants with the round untoothed leaves), probably regular lowbush blueberries as well (Vaccinium angustifolium = toothed leaves with a point at the end) but can't remember. anyway they are both tasty.

Also it's worth trying out the crowberries as well, they should be ripe now.
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I was up there the 3rd (I think) and I'll confirm that Baldface has LOTS of low bush blueberries. And they are VERY tasty, the bears think so too, I saw a few piles of scat loaded with berries.