Baldface-Royce Range this spring

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Mar 6, 2005
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Phillipston, MA - Avatar: bushwacking off the top
One of the more interesting long hikes I'm looking at for this spring (as I get to work on the Y-Alpine list) is this range crossing the NH/ME border. I'm thinking of heading up to Eastman first, then heading northeast across the Baldfaces, Eagle Crag and the Royces. Should be doable as a dayhike as it's a bit under 20 miles.

I'm wondering if there're others out there that might be interested in joining me on some Saturday, maybe in late May or early June?
I did most of the ridge (S. Baldface to Basin Trail) one dreary, wet day and would love to do it again on a better day. Saturday’s are usually good for me.
Count me in. The Baldface Circle loop is a classic. If the rest of the range is half as fun, this will be a great hike.
I'd love to join, but am not sure about the 16. I will be up in North Conway, but Gig is running Mt. Washington that day. I am the support team that gets him back down the mountain. If the date changes I hope to make it. If not, perhaps I'll see you at the Moat (Brewery) later the evening. :)
The Walker/Meader Ridge hike is indeed a great one. We started at East Royce and headed west to the Baldfaces. Nice to have the setting sun in our faces. Saving the Baldfaces for last was also a good idea as it has the best views of the hike, and you get to see what you've already done. Good Luck!

Edit: here is our Trip Report
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Mark me down as a maybe, rocknrolls. Our family's plans are kind of up in the air at this point for that date.

I would certainly love to get the chance to hike with you and Early Bird again and meet some new VFTTers :cool: :D

Best regards,