Baldpate--Saturday, Nov. 12

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Sep 4, 2003
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Boise, Idaho
Hey everyone!

AMSTony and I (maybe others???) are planning on hitting the Baldpates this Saturday. Any and all welcome! We'll be kicking things off from the Route 26 trailhead starting around 9 a.m.

Come one! Come all (well, within the 10-person group limit) ;)

Post here or PM if you're interested ...
arghman said:
Baldpate isn't in a wilderness area, does Maine's Public Reserve Land have a similar limit?

I don't believe so but I think that even when the 10-person limit isn't a law, it is still generally considered a good idea.

As for ice and snow it is falling in Bethel as I type this. Got a couple inches of slushy, slippery stuff on the ground. If the next couple days stay cool you'll likely want creepers or crampons. Sorry I won't be able to join you...gotta teach that day :mad: .
vegematic said:
I don't believe so but I think that even when the 10-person limit isn't a law, it is still generally considered a good idea.

Exactly -- yeah, nothing official that I'm aware of, just general LNT ethics.
Got a few (3-5, depending) inches of wet sloppy stuff in town and it is melting. I don't know how much accumulation Sunday River is claiming but you can probably assume that the mountains *actually* received about a half to two thirds of whatever they say they got.

Forecast is for 40's-50 over the next 2-3 days with nights in the 20s...a nice freeze-thaw cycle. Baldpate summits are tucked up in a cloud right now so I can't see them but nearby lower ledges with sun exposure are starting to melt off.