Balsam Lake - 7/14 - 7/16 - Come join us!

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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
Laurie and I will be in and around the Cabin/Fire Tower this weekend, maybe even painting the tower if we get good weather! Any visitors are welcome! :)

There are camp sites, a lean to, and running water up near the top. We'll give tours of the cabin and expound on the history of fire fighting / detection / prevention ad nauseum! :eek: :D

We'll probably get there early Friday evening and leave late Sunday morning.
cantdog said:
I would love to be there, but I have a paddling commitment on Saturday. Will there be another similar opportunity in the near future?
There isn't one scheduled yet, but we will most likely be there again before the year is out. I'll post again when I have details.

FWIW, the tower is 'usually' manned every weekend in the warmer weather, and once a month in the winter. There is no exact schedule right now, but they are trying to get their act together with a web presence 'soon'. It's supposed to have weather data as well.
Maybe I'll try and get my kids out to hike up and see the fire tower. Hope to see you there.
alistair said:
Maybe I'll try and get my kids out to hike up and see the fire tower. Hope to see you there.
It's one of the easiest hikes of the 35.

There are 3 approaches. Coming from the West, it's an old road walk that goes gradually up, until it gets to the turn off, where you have a few moderately steep pitches. From the East, it's the same old road, but steeper and shorter. From the South is the longest approach.
Chip said:
Just kidding, Tom. I thought I might bring up some "real" food and drink if I can make it and was wondering what you all might enjoy.
I think you can guess the answer if you read my sig! :D

We'll have plenty of our own food, but BEvERages are welcome! We even have a 'secret refrigerator'! :D
I might bring my little one and join you for an evening. How difficult is it to score a spot to set up a tent on a Saturday afternoon? The first (and last) time I was up there around 5 years ago, I was "chased" up the trail by a large number of very fit "older" women who were there to do Yoga :D - I think it was an AMC outing.
Rick said:
Tom, I might bring my little one and join you for an evening. How difficult is it to score a spot to set up a tent on a Saturday afternoon?
Wow, we're going to have quite a party! :D

There is 1 lean-to. About 20 boy scouts camped in and around the lean-to back in March. They seemed to have no trouble finding tent sites.

Just so we are all clear, there is a cabin, but we are not allowed to let anyone else sleep there. We do give brief tours though.
I saw my chiropractor today. She said no backpacking for a month (I wrenchedmy back several weeks ago and have been in pain. I have been feeling much better these last couple of days, but to no avail. Better to be safe than sorry.
(I am trying to get ready for a NPT trip in mid august, so I really need to recuperate :eek:
Rick said:
I saw my chiropractor today. She said no backpacking for a month (I wrenchedmy back several weeks ago and have been in pain. I have been feeling much better these last couple of days, but to no avail. Better to be safe than sorry.
Oh well, it is an easy hike, most of the way! :D

Take care, and we'll see you another day!