Balsam Lake Mountain this Summer

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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
Laurie and I volunteer at Balsam Lake in the Catskills all year round. The warmer months bring more hikers, so the volunteers concentrate their efforts in the Spring-Fall.

This year, there will be quite a few weekdays that people will be staying at the cabin and manning the tower, and most weekends will be covered as well. People are welcome to visit the cabin and take a tour. (Laurie's dad built the cabin and was the observer there for many years). The cabin has exhibits about firefighting, conservation, and animal diversity.

The views from the tower are great! There is a picnic table at the summit. The volunteers also provide water, and temporary shelter, in case of severe weather. You can not stay the night in the cabin, but there is a lean-to about a 1/2 mile away.

Laurie and I plan to be at the cabin these weekends:

June 29-July 1
July 27-29
Aug 3-5
Sept 28-30

Feel free to stop by and say hi and hang out with us for a while!

We could still use a few more volunteers as well! :D