Banff in S. Portland

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Mad Townie

New member
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Leb, NH
For those who may be wondering, I just called and found out that the show IS still ON.

So strap on those MSRs, grab your crampons for the SPHS parking lot after the show, and head on down there! Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:30.
Two thumbs horizontal

Didn't love it - felt like more of the same - lots of "Duuuuuuuddddde" films, and nothing really grabbed me the way some of past years' films (Lost People of Mountain Village, Chairlift Soliloquy, the fly fishing film, Timmy O'Neill on crack climbing) did.

But the Lego film is funny, the rock climbing is very well done, and the skiing is painful to watch (but in a good way). Not much cultural insight this time.

If you're looking to be blown away, don't go. If you're looking for a pleasant evening's entertainment, well, there are a lot of worse ways to be entertained. I had a good time, even though I didn't win anything in the raffles.

I just had a thought: maybe after the adventure of driving there in the storm the on-screen adventures didn't seem as scary! :eek:
Whew!.....and I didn't have to see Miss Margaret. Good to know as I was going to snowshoe over, but only made it about half way. The Old Port is not a good place to refill on liquids for hiking. It is always nice to see the movies even on a down year. I think they switch it up sometimes at different locations.