Barnes Field - July 4th Weekend

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Kill Kaso, MA
For anyone looking for a campsite this weekend, I've reserved Barnes Field Site #3 (holds 30 people) for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night. Weather looks horrible but I'm sure we can still have some fun. If someone brings a box of diapers we can really PAR-TAY!!

Anyway, if you're interested, somehow let me know that you're interesting in showing up. If you come, throw me ~$5/night that you stay. Hope to see some new faces and some more familiar ones as well!

Anyone have a tarp? Might want to bring that.

-Dr. Wu
I'll be there Thursday night... might be a good time to try camping out in the back of my truck. :D
I'll be showing up late-ish on thursday, considering bringing the raft. Thanks Doc for scoring the site;)!
I'll be there by 10pm on Thursday Night. Setting up my tent regardless of conditions. Might leave the fly off -- want to be wet and irritated for the hike on Friday.

It's not even going to rain. Besides, the easiest way to stay dry at the campground is to do a wicked long hike in the rain. That way, you get back to the campground at 10pm, get trashed, pass out in the mud, wake up at 5am and do the same freakin' thing the next day.

-Dr. Wu
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Thanks for planning this. Do you know if they allow dogs at Barnes Field? Thinking of joining you all Thursday night. Any plans yet for hiking on Friday?
Mulling it over. I have to be back in Boston on Saturday for family stuff. Would love to get in a hike on Friday.
I'll see what happens, I'm a definate mabye.
Thanks for planning this. Do you know if they allow dogs at Barnes Field? Thinking of joining you all Thursday night. Any plans yet for hiking on Friday?
You can have a dog there. Cool to meet you!

-Dr. Wu
Rock On!

Rain or shine a bunch of us are still gonna be there tonight! Lookin' forward to seeing everyone, including a few new faces!

-Dr. Wu
Slight change of plans, I won't be arriving until Friday night. I'll be staying elsewhere Thursday night. Don't use up all the firewood.