Basin and Saddleback 6/9/2010

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Date: 6/9/2010

Trail conditions: Trail in decent shape all the way to the range trail junction, a bit wet in spots. Trail up to basin is good, however the descent of Basin to Saddleback col is a bit of a mess - very loose sections of trail and slick and wet. No problems on Saddleback's rocks. descent back to JBL and garden via Orebred Brook Trail in good shape.

Required Equipment: Bug Dope, Gaitors.

Comments: Great day, this was one of my favorite hikes, peaks 40 and 41 for me. I underestimated its length though, it was a good 16 mile haul. Started from garden at 7:30 with the sun shining, was back in my car before the rain drops started by 4. Stellar views from Basin and Saddleback. The weather cooperated until I was back in my car. Bugs were not bad at all, cool temperatures and a slight breeze kept them at bay, although they were certainly out if you idled in one place too long.