Basin, Haystack 3-20-11

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Feb 12, 2005
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Avatar is on Gannett Peak, Wyoming's high point.
Trail in to JBL has very little snow on it in sections and most bridges and water crossings are open. (First leanto in has been dismantled:() Above JBL the snow cover is still high and all water crossings were frozen over. Shorey Shortcut is not as well consolidated as other trails and kicking in steps was a little difficult. Trail up Basin is in good shape, top three rungs of the ladder are poking out with some ice that is easily avoided on the steep section above. Trail up to Haystack is solid as is the go-around Little Haystack trail. Sure is nice to avoid that drop off the backside! Trail off of Haystack and back down to JBL has some potholes in it that make ankle-twisting a real concern. But snow is still pretty solid and conditions are excellant for this time of year!

Equipment needed: Used microspikes and snowshoes all day. Carried crampons, didn't need them. But my whippet sure came in handy for the steep sections up and down Basin!