Basin & Saddleback on Feb. 11th

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Jan 13, 2005
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Longueuil (Québec)
Plan to do B. & S. via Slant Rock trail. All interested welcomed to join me.
Crampons & ice axe mandatory.
Would leave parking around 06h00-06h30.
If someone familiar with the Chicken Coop route joins in, I would be open to this alternative.
Pierre (Oncoman)
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Alternative route

Another bushwacking route is to go up Basin Brook; it's farther along the trail than CC. Brook and takes you up to a slide that puts you just below the (north or northeast?) secondary summit of Basin. You can contour around that and head up the ridge to the true summit. It's a nice route but I dont know what the slide is like this year (It is steep but climbable in snowshoes; but it can, like most slides, ice up.)
Happy hike!
My son's soccer game just got canceled so I may be free to climb on Saturday. Do you have any other company? Or thoughts about other mountains to climb?
Sat. 11th Feb. ADK hike

Hi Alistair!
Would love to do Basin & Saddleback with you on Feb. 11th via the Chicken Coop trail.
I don't know if your son is as a passionate soccer player as my son of 11 is for hockey; but if so I can truly appreciate his deception. And let me tell you that my Étienne proves to be much tougher to negociate with than my wife when it comes to freeing myself for a weekend of ADK hiking.
BTW, it was I that you met in the LOJ parking lot with Pinpin on the 22nd of Dec., heading for TTop & Phelps. The previous day we had done Redfield, and since then I have bagged another 14 ADK peaks. Only 13 more to go before my 46W badge, which I hope to get before March 21st.
See you at the Garden trailhead at 06h00.
So far no one else has shown interest for this hike.
On the 12th Feb. I plan to do Marshall or perhaps Allen if Motabobo joins me.
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Having received no firm commitments and being tired of hiking alone, I have decided to do tomorrow Allen, with Shin & Jean, instead of a solo run on Basin & Saddleback. Plan to do those peaks later on this month, but sorry Neil & Alistair, cannot accompany you on Feb. 16th. Some of us poor souls have to work... sometimes.
Thanks very much drweo for the Basin Brook approach. Will try it during summer months.
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