Bear Notch Road...

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Secondly - on Sunday morning I checked and Gale River Road was gated. I didn't think to look at Haystack Road, but since they were all open on Friday I would assume it was also gated when GRR was. You would not have wanted to drive them, anyway, given the deep unplowed snow on them.

Sawyer River Road was seen as gated on Saturday night.
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I would second kltilton's warning as to Sawyer River Road. I drove by there today and the gate was open. On 302 just before the road I saw a relatively new "Logging Trucks Entering" sign. I got "locked in" on Rob Brook Road once, and would not like to see that happen to anyone.
I remember being on Mt. Clinton rd. when it was "closed". I drove up because the gate was opened. I don't know why it was open but I did drive up. I did a hike and when I came back down the gate was closed and the lock was in place. Lucky, for me, they didn't actually lock the lock. It was in place but not actually locked. I drove out and left the gate in the same state it was. I considered myself lucky, but I wonder if that is standard procedure. After hearing Larry D's. experience I probably wouldn't try it again. :eek:

SAR-EMT40 said:
I did a hike and when I came back down the gate was closed and the lock was in place. Lucky, for me, they didn't actually lock the lock. It was in place but not actually locked. I drove out and left the gate in the same state it was. I considered myself lucky

Same thing happened to me when I parked at the Lost River parking lot while hiking out of Kinsmens Notch to Gordon Pond and Mt. Wolf.
They didn't *used* to be related. The entabled road conditions had their own update date. Now they've obviously changed that. I wonder if without a web person on staff anymore they're just working the page by hand...
I always assumed that has to be the last time the page was touched. Presumably, it would be touched to update the information. Again, I assumed. :eek: :confused: :D
