Been there - seen that

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Feb 2, 2005
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N44.55162 W70.32107
Here is a starting list of some of the interesting relics and artifacts I have seen here in the Whites or nearby:

1. The abandoned draft dodgers camp deep in the Pemi.
2. The brass plaque for the winter plane crash in the Pemi.
3. The steam winch location on Nancy Pond Trail.
4. The tons of railroad track still in the Pemi Wilderness.
5. The tons of railroad tracks still in the Sandwich Wild.
6. The site of the funicular on the Osseo Trail.
7. The Bemis tower remains.
8. The Waternomee plane crash remains.
9. The exploded locomotive remains on the Moriah Bk Tr.
10. Moriah Gorge
11. The old lead/silver mine on Ore Hill.
12. The railroad switch at Flat Mountain Pond.
13. The horse drawn bucket scoop on the Downs Brook Tr.
14. The old iron pipe spring on Norcross Pond Trail.
15. The radio repeater in the foundation on Middle Sis.
16. The solar panel and instrumentation on Mooselauke.

Altough all but one of these are man-made, I included Moriah Gorge because I consider it a must see. But be careful, that can be a dangerous place without company and a rope in case someone goes in.

Feel free to add your own "discoveries"

Hillwalker - formerly Dalraida
I'll add a couple of Vermont ones:

Bridgwater Chataugue (spelling?) Gold Mines - one is stable and goes in quite a ways
Plymouth Gold mine - not stable don't go in.
Boiling Springs on the side of Bloodroot Mountain (Chittenden)


Original Chittendon Village currently under Chittendon Resevoir (they drained it once in the early 70's to repair the dam).
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I happened upon a township boundary marker in the woods on the ridge between Hancock & Carrigain.
Went there - saw this

These were recent but still hoping someone has more info especially on the lodge.

Sadly, on another little used trail there used to be an old cross-cut saw with a tree grown around it. The tree finally fell and someone made off with the saw. :mad:

It's always fun to come across old artifacts and to imagine the story behind them. Too bad people have to take souvenirs rather than leave it for others to enjoy.
Hillwalker, how did you get my Christmas wish list? I know I put "North Pole" on the envelope.

I must see at least #s 1,2,6,9
1 I never heard of
6 I don't even know what it is.

Great list
Thanks Chuck
I've only been hiking for a couple years now and haven't done much (intentional) bushwacking, so I haven't seen much like that in the Whites. But I was quite surprised to come across the plane crash site on Mt Greylock this spring. And then I couldn't find it again this fall coming from the other direction :confused:
10 pound dumbell siting

A couple winters ago I found a 10 pound dumbell while ascending the flume slide trail which was the heaviest thing I have ever packed out. That same winter while going up the slide to the summit of owls head I found a watch only because the alarm was going off.