Beer night in Montreal

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Active member
Sep 15, 2003
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Montreal, QC
To all the VFTTers north of the border,

I think we are more than overdue for a beer night. It's been almost a year since our last gathering at Jack Astor's in the West Island.

I will tentatively suggest Thursday, October 21st as a date.

Anyone interested?
Anybody have suggestions for a good pub/bar?
What a great idea! Just say where and when and I'll be there.
harryk said:
what you say we get together at the Whiskey Cafe, corner off of St Laurent and Bernard.
Perfect venue.
I'm in too. Thursday is a perfect choice (friday 22nd is the first evening of the FIFAM - festival des films d'aventure de Montréal-), Whiskey Bar is a nice spot.

Maybe Julie will come, I don't know yet.

Let's bring the 16 y/o Lagavulin! :D
Sounds like the Montreal VFTT chapter will be starting its annual meeting fairly early, as in 6-ish. I PM'd Dave who might help increase attendance to 50% greater than what was reported for last year's assembly.
To help identifying us, I'm bringing a VFTT sticker that I will put on the table.

See you all tonight.
Party Pooper!

Sorry guys, I can't swing it tonight....have one for me!
I hope a few more can come along to push up the numbers.
See you next time.

montreal beer night

Doooh! twice now that i wont be able to attend because I need to be the daddy on that night...
And I like the whisky bar too!! (they have the greatest bathroom!!)
I would have loved to meet some of you guys (and girls) and to talk about past and future hikes... It would have been practical also because of the advantages to hike in group in winter are more important than in summer so car-pooling between us montrealers could be discussed for future endeavors

So have fun!
Louis (from NDG)
Great turnout last night. It was a good time. Twelve people showed up . Always nice to meet new folks with the same interests as well the regulars.
Prino, Louis, we'll catch up next time.
Montrealers, I have a free pair of tickets for the Montreal Adventure Film Festival for tomorrow (Saturday morning 9-12 and afternoon 2-5, but not evening), a value of 40$. I cannot attend, so if you read this message quickly in the morning, give me a call at (514) 725-0789.